What’s the best way to keep your car from being stolen?


With the number of car thefts increasing, Queensland Police Acting Superintendent Rob Fleischer has spoken on Today to share some ways to keep your car safe and secure.

Acting Superintendent Rob Fleischer Provides Valuable Insights to Combat Rising Car Theft Rates in Queensland

With the alarming increase in car theft incidents across the region, Queensland Police Acting Superintendent Rob Fleischer has stepped forward to discuss effective methods for keeping vehicles safe and secure. As car theft continues to pose a significant concern, these expert insights aim to provide residents with valuable tips to protect their prized possessions.

According to recent reports, car theft rates have been on the rise, prompting increased vigilance and proactive measures from both law enforcement agencies and vehicle owners. In an interview on Today, Acting Superintendent Rob Fleischer emphasized the importance of taking preventive steps to safeguard vehicles against theft.

One of the essential recommendations provided by Acting Superintendent Fleischer is the installation of an anti-theft system if the vehicle does not already have one. Thieves are less likely to target cars equipped with these systems, as they know there is a higher chance of recovery and apprehension. Popular anti-theft systems include trackers, immobilizers, and alarms, which can effectively deter criminals from stealing vehicles.

Additionally, Acting Superintendent Fleischer advises car owners to always lock their doors and take their keys with them. This simple practice may seem obvious, but it remains one of the most effective ways to prevent opportunistic thefts. Leaving doors unlocked or keys inside the vehicle presents an open invitation for thieves.

Another valuable suggestion is investing in visual deterrents such as steering wheel locks. Devices like The Club and Disklok, recommended by the police, act as visible barriers and significantly decrease the likelihood of theft. By making it difficult for thieves to gain access to the steering wheel, car owners can enhance the security of their vehicles.

Acting Superintendent Fleischer also stressed the importance of keeping valuable items out of sight. Leaving expensive belongings visible in the car only entices potential thieves. By storing valuables in the trunk or removing them from the vehicle altogether, owners can eliminate the temptation and reduce the risk of theft.

Furthermore, the police recommend investing in security window etching, which involves marking a unique identifier on windows using a special solution. This simple yet effective technique helps deter thieves by making it more challenging for them to sell or dispose of stolen vehicles.

As the number of car thefts continues to escalate, Acting Superintendent Rob Fleischer’s expert advice comes as a timely reminder for residents to take proactive measures in safeguarding their vehicles. By implementing these preventive strategies, vehicle owners can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to car theft.

Residents are encouraged to remain vigilant, report any suspicious activities to the authorities, and follow the guidance provided by Queensland Police to ensure the safety and security of their vehicles.

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