Warnings from Queensland Police as Tropical Cyclone Jasper closes In over Coming Hours


Deputy Police Commissioner Shane Chelepy at Queensland’s emergency HQ provides the latest information and warnings as Tropical Cyclone Jasper closes in.

Cyclone Jasper Barrels Toward Queensland Coast

Cyclone Jasper is currently heading towards the Queensland coast, posing potential risks and hazards to the affected areas. As authorities issue warnings and precautionary measures, residents in Far North Queensland, from Cooktown to Port Douglas, should prepare for damaging winds and heavy rainfall. Cape Flattery, Cardwell, Cairns, Port Douglas and Atherton are also expected to experience widespread heavy rain.

Jasper to Hit Land Today as Far North Queensland Braces for Impact

Storm surge warnings are in place for Cairns, while emergency warnings have been issued for Yarrabah and Wujal Wujal. Remaining vigilant and following the advice of authorities is crucial during this event. The Bureau of Meteorology and disaster response teams will provide ongoing updates and guidance.

The aftermath of Cyclone Jasper may require extensive recovery and rebuilding efforts.

Key Takeaways

  • Tropical Cyclone Jasper is expected to cross the Queensland coast this afternoon or evening.
  • Large swells, storms, and life-threatening floodwaters are possible in Far North Queensland.
  • Cyclone Jasper is currently a category one system and may intensify to category two at landfall.
  • Damaging to destructive winds of 120kmh to 140kmh are expected near the center of the cyclone.

Impact of Cyclone Jasper

The impending landfall of Cyclone Jasper is expected to have significant impacts on the Queensland coast.The tropical cyclone is projected to cross the coast this afternoon or evening, bringing with it large swells, storms, and potentially life-threatening floodwaters in Far North Queensland.

Rain and winds have already commenced in the region, with some areas experiencing over 100 millimeters of rain overnight and the possibility of daily rain totals exceeding 500mm. Currently categorized as a category one system, Cyclone Jasper may intensify to category two at landfall.

The threat zone for the cyclone crossing the coast lies between Cooktown and Port Douglas, with damaging to destructive winds of 120kmh to 140kmh expected near the center of the cyclone. Widespread heavy rain is likely from Cape Flattery to Cardwell, encompassing areas such as Cairns, Port Douglas, and Atherton.

Precautions and safety measures, including listening to warnings, being prepared, and avoiding unnecessary travel, have been emphasized by authorities.

Areas Affected by the Cyclone

What regions will be impacted by Cyclone Jasper? The threat zone for Cyclone Jasper crossing the coast is between Cooktown and Port Douglas. Damaging to destructive winds of 120kmh to 140kmh are expected near the center of the cyclone.

Widespread heavy rain is likely from Cape Flattery in the north to Cardwell, including Cairns, Port Douglas, and Atherton. Storm surge warnings have been issued for Cairns, and emergency warnings are in place for Yarrabah and Wujal Wujal.

The areas in the cyclone’s path include Cairns, Palm Island, Innisfail, Mareeba, and Hinchinbrook. Precautions and safety measures have been advised, such as listening to warnings, being prepared and avoiding unnecessary driving. Two evacuation centers have been set up in Redlynch and Edmonton for those seeking shelter.

Precautions and Safety Measures

To ensure the safety of residents and minimize the potential risks associated with Cyclone Jasper, it is crucial to adhere to the recommended precautions and safety measures. Police Minister Mark Ryan emphasizes the importance of listening to warnings and being prepared. Deputy Premier Steven Miles highlights the role of the wider community in ensuring safety. Queensland Police Service Commissioner Katarina Carroll advises people to avoid driving unless absolutely necessary.

Additionally, 30,000 households with rooftop solar in the impact zone are advised to switch off their panels. Two evacuation centers have been set up in Redlynch and Edmonton for those seeking shelter.

These measures aim to protect individuals and communities from the destructive winds, heavy rainfall, storm surge, and flooding expected with Cyclone Jasper. By following these precautions, residents can better withstand the impact of the cyclone and minimize potential harm.

Cyclone Jasper’s Path and Aftermath

Cyclone Jasper’s trajectory will lead it inland over Cape York Peninsula, where it is anticipated to bring heavy rainfall and gradually weaken in wind strength. As the cyclone reaches land, the wind intensity is expected to decrease, but the region will continue to experience significant rainfall in the coming days.

The impact of Cyclone Jasper may result in extensive damage and require years of recovery and rebuilding efforts. To stay updated on the situation, residents can refer to the online disaster portals of Port Douglas and Cairns, as well as the Bureau of Meteorology’s cyclone forecast webpage.

Both the BOM and disaster response teams are closely monitoring the situation to ensure the safety and well-being of the affected areas.

Police Minister’s Emphasis on Warnings

With the imminent arrival of Cyclone Jasper, the Police Minister’s emphasis on warnings underscores the critical importance of preparedness and vigilance in ensuring the safety of Queensland residents.

Police Minister Mark Ryan has stressed the significance of listening to warnings and being adequately prepared for the cyclone’s impact. Deputy Premier Steven Miles has also highlighted the role of the wider community in ensuring safety during this time.

Queensland Police Service Commissioner Katarina Carroll has advised people to avoid unnecessary travel and to switch off rooftop solar panels in the impact zone. In anticipation of the cyclone’s arrival, two evacuation centers have been set up in Redlynch and Edmonton to provide shelter for those in need. The government and disaster response teams are closely monitoring the situation as Cyclone Jasper approaches the Queensland coast.

Deputy Premier’s Role in Ensuring Safety

The Deputy Premier plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of Queensland residents during the approach of Cyclone Jasper. As the second-in-command of the state government, the Deputy Premier works closely with other key stakeholders, such as emergency management agencies and local authorities, to coordinate and implement necessary safety measures.

This includes disseminating timely and accurate information about the cyclone’s path, potential impact, and recommended precautions to the public. The Deputy Premier also oversees the activation of emergency response plans, ensuring that resources, such as evacuation centers and emergency personnel, are appropriately deployed to affected areas.

Additionally, the Deputy Premier may liaise with federal agencies and seek assistance if needed. By taking proactive measures and effectively managing the response to Cyclone Jasper, the Deputy Premier plays a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being of Queensland residents.

Police Commissioner’s Driving Advisory

Advising caution, Queensland Police Service Commissioner Katarina Carroll strongly recommends minimizing non-essential travel during the approaching Cyclone Jasper.

As the cyclone approaches the Queensland coast, it brings with it the potential for large swells, storms, and life-threatening floodwaters in Far North Queensland. Already, rain and winds have begun in the region, with some areas experiencing over 100 millimeters of rain overnight.

With the cyclone expected to intensify to category two at landfall, it is crucial for residents and visitors in the threat zone, which includes Cairns, Port Douglas and Atherton, to prioritize their safety.

Commissioner Carroll’s advisory is aimed at reducing the risks associated with driving in hazardous conditions, ensuring that individuals avoid unnecessary travel and remain safe during this dangerous weather event.

Rooftop Solar Panel Safety Measures

To ensure the safety of residents and minimize potential risks during the approaching Cyclone Jasper, it is important to implement necessary safety measures for rooftop solar panels.

With wind speeds expected to reach damaging levels, it is crucial to secure solar panels properly to prevent them from becoming projectiles. Homeowners should inspect their panels for any signs of damage or loose connections and repair them before the cyclone hits.

Additionally, it is advisable to switch off the panels to avoid any electrical hazards during the storm. Clearing any debris or loose objects around the panels will also reduce the chances of damage.

Evacuation Centers for Shelter

As Cyclone Jasper approaches the Queensland coast, residents in the impacted areas are urged to seek shelter at designated evacuation centers. Two evacuation centers have been set up in Redlynch and Edmonton to provide a safe haven for those in need.

These centers are equipped with facilities and resources to support evacuees, including food, water, and medical assistance. The authorities have emphasized the importance of heeding evacuation orders and moving to these centers as soon as possible to ensure the safety of individuals and families.

It is crucial for residents to follow instructions from emergency services and stay informed about the cyclone’s progress through official channels. By taking proactive measures and seeking shelter at evacuation centers, residents can minimize the risks and potential dangers associated with Cyclone Jasper.

Long-Term Recovery and Rebuilding Efforts

The long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts following Tropical Cyclone Jasper will require significant resources and a coordinated approach. As the cyclone makes landfall and unleashes its destructive force on the Queensland coast, it is inevitable that communities will be left devastated in its wake.

The impact of the cyclone may result in years of recovery, as homes, infrastructure, and livelihoods are destroyed. The government, along with various agencies and organizations, will need to come together to provide assistance and support to affected communities.

This will involve allocating funds for rebuilding efforts, providing temporary housing for displaced residents, and offering counseling and assistance to those who have suffered emotional trauma. It is crucial that these efforts are well-coordinated and comprehensive to ensure a swift and effective recovery for the affected regions.


The impending arrival of Cyclone Jasper poses potential risks and hazards to the affected areas in Queensland. Authorities have issued warnings and precautionary measures to ensure the safety of residents.

The cyclone’s impact extends beyond Far North Queensland, with widespread heavy rain and storm surge warnings in place. It is crucial for individuals to remain vigilant and heed the advice of authorities.

Ongoing monitoring and disaster response efforts will provide updates and guidance throughout the event. Keep updated with the the BOM’s cyclone forecast webpage.

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