YouTuber Trevor Jacob sentenced to six months’ jail for faking plane crash in California


A Californian judge has sentenced a man to six months’ jail for faking a plane crash. Aviation authorities took Trevor Jacob to court after video of the crash appeared online.

YouTuber’s Dangerous Stunt Lands Him Behind Bars

In a highly publicized case, popular YouTuber Trevor Daniel Jacob has been sentenced to six months in federal prison after pleading guilty to charges of destruction and concealment with intent to obstruct a federal investigation.

Jacob, known for his daring exploits, orchestrated a staged plane crash for social media content, resulting in a significant public outcry. Prosecutors argued that a prison sentence was necessary to deter others from attempting similar dangerous stunts, highlighting the potential risks to both lives and property.

Jacob’s attorneys, however, requested probation, citing his living situation and poor choices during the pandemic. This article explores the details of the case, its implications for aviation safety, and the public’s response to Jacob’s reckless actions.

Key Takeaways

  • Trevor Daniel Jacob intentionally crashed his plane for social media clicks and was sentenced to 6 months in federal prison.
  • Jacob’s staged plane crash for social media promotion raised suspicions among viewers due to his use of a parachute and camera equipment.
  • Jacob’s actions were deemed to exhibit poor judgment and were motivated by social media coverage and financial gain.
  • Prosecutors argued that Jacob’s stunt undermined aviation safety regulations and endangered lives, emphasizing the need for a prison sentence to deter others from attempting similar stunts.

Crime and Guilty Plea

Trevor Daniel Jacob was sentenced to 6 months in federal prison after admitting to intentionally crashing his plane for social media clicks. Jacob pled guilty to the charge of destruction and concealment with intent to obstruct a federal investigation.

Prosecutors argued for a prison sentence, emphasizing the need to deter others from attempting similar stunts. Jacob’s attorneys, on the other hand, requested probation instead of prison time.

Jacob equipped his plane with multiple cameras to capture the crash on video and posted a promotional video titled ‘I Crashed My Airplane’ on social media. Viewers raised suspicions about the stunt due to Jacob wearing a parachute and carrying camera equipment.

In an attempt to obstruct the investigation, Jacob dismantled and disposed of the wreckage. The FAA reinstated Jacob’s pilot license after the incident.

Staged Plane Crash for Social Media

During the incident, a YouTuber staged a plane crash for social media. Trevor Daniel Jacob, equipped with multiple cameras, intentionally crashed his plane and posted a video titled ‘I Crashed My Airplane’ to promote a sponsorship. However, viewers quickly raised suspicions about the stunt due to Jacob wearing a parachute and taking a camera and selfie stick with him.

In an attempt to obstruct the federal investigation, Jacob dismantled and disposed of the wreckage. Prosecutors argued that this type of ‘daredevil conduct’ cannot be tolerated, emphasizing the need for a prison sentence to deter others from attempting similar stunts.

Furthermore, staging the plane crash undermines aviation safety regulations and could have endangered lives and property. Jacob’s actions highlight the potential dangers of seeking social media coverage at the expense of good judgment and public safety.

Poor Judgment and Consequences

As a result of his poor judgment, the YouTuber found himself facing severe consequences for his dangerous stunt. Prosecutors argued that Trevor Daniel Jacob exercised exceptionally poor judgment by intentionally crashing his plane for social media clicks. He pleaded guilty to destruction and concealment with intent to obstruct a federal investigation and was sentenced to six months in federal prison.

Jacob’s attorneys requested probation, citing his living situation and bad choices during the pandemic, but the prosecutors emphasized the need for a prison sentence to deter others from attempting similar stunts. They argued that Jacob’s actions undermined aviation safety regulations and could have endangered lives and property.

The FAA reinstated Jacob’s pilot license after the incident, but his poor judgment and the resulting consequences highlight the importance of responsible and ethical behavior in the online world.

Impact on Aviation Safety

The staged plane crash orchestrated by the YouTuber had significant implications for aviation safety. By deliberately crashing his plane for social media clicks, the YouTuber not only endangered his own life but also potentially put the lives of others at risk.

His actions undermined aviation safety regulations and demonstrated a blatant disregard for the well-being of those in the aviation community. In addition to the immediate danger posed by the stunt itself, the YouTuber’s decision to lie to investigators and a Federal Aviation Administration safety inspector further eroded trust in the system.

Prosecutors argued that such behavior should not be tolerated and emphasized the need for a prison sentence to deter others from attempting similar stunts that could have serious consequences for aviation safety.

Media Coverage and Public Attention

Despite the YouTuber’s attempt to generate social media and news coverage, his staged plane crash garnered significant attention and raised suspicions among viewers. The video titled ‘I Crashed My Airplane’ was posted on YouTube, and viewers quickly noticed inconsistencies in the YouTuber’s behavior. He was seen wearing a parachute and holding a camera and selfie stick, which led many to question the authenticity of the crash.

The incident received attention and comments from the online community, with viewers expressing their concerns and skepticism. Media coverage of the event highlighted the criminal nature of the YouTuber’s actions, emphasizing the potential dangers and consequences of such stunts.

The attention garnered by the incident serves as a reminder of the power and influence of social media, as well as the responsibility content creators have in ensuring the authenticity and safety of their content.

Sentencing and Prison Time

Following his guilty plea, YouTuber Trevor Daniel Jacob has been sentenced to 6 months in federal prison for his dangerous stunt of intentionally crashing his plane for social media clicks. Jacob admitted to the charge of destruction and concealment with intent to obstruct a federal investigation.

Prosecutors argued for a prison sentence, emphasizing the need to deter others from attempting similar stunts. Jacob’s attorneys requested probation, citing his living situation and bad choices during the pandemic. However, the judge deemed a prison sentence necessary due to Jacob’s exceptionally poor judgment and the potential endangerment of lives and property.

Jacob expressed sincere remorse in a letter to the judge, but prosecutors stressed the importance of holding him accountable for his actions in order to uphold aviation safety regulations.

Defense Arguments and Requested Probation

Defense counsel presented arguments in favor of probation during YouTuber Trevor Daniel Jacob’s sentencing hearing. Jacob’s attorneys highlighted his living situation and poor choices made during the pandemic as factors that should be taken into consideration.

They emphasized that probation would allow Jacob to continue working towards rehabilitation while serving as a deterrent against similar stunts. Jacob expressed sincere remorse in a letter to the judge, acknowledging his poor judgment and the potential danger his actions posed to aviation safety.

Additionally, Jacob’s attorneys pointed out that his pilot license had been reinstated by the Federal Aviation Administration, indicating a level of trust in his ability to safely operate an aircraft. They argued that probation would provide an opportunity for Jacob to make amends and contribute positively to society while ensuring that he is held accountable for his actions.

Jacob’s Remorse and FAA Reinstatement

Jacob’s sincere remorse and reinstatement of his pilot license by the Federal Aviation Administration highlight important aspects of his case.

In a letter to the judge, Jacob expressed genuine regret for his actions and acknowledged the potential danger he posed to lives and property. This demonstration of remorse may have influenced the FAA’s decision to reinstate his pilot license after the incident.

By reinstating his license, the FAA has shown that they believe Jacob has learned from his mistake and can be trusted to operate an aircraft safely in the future.

However, it is crucial to note that this reinstatement does not absolve Jacob of his criminal actions or the consequences he faced, including a six-month prison sentence.

It serves as a reminder that even with remorse and reinstatement, individuals are still accountable for their choices and must face the appropriate legal repercussions.

Prosecutors’ Argument for Deterrence and Accountability

Prosecutors presented a compelling argument for the need for deterrence and accountability in the case of Trevor Daniel Jacob’s dangerous stunt. They emphasized the importance of sending a strong message to prevent others from attempting similar stunts.

By staging the plane crash for social media attention and financial gain, Jacob exhibited a reckless disregard for the safety of others and undermined aviation safety regulations. Prosecutors highlighted the potential endangerment of lives and property as a result of his actions. They argued that this type of ‘daredevil conduct’ should not be tolerated, as it not only puts lives at risk but also hinders the efforts of authorities to maintain aviation safety.


In conclusion, Trevor Daniel Jacob’s dangerous stunt, in which he intentionally crashed his plane for social media attention, has resulted in serious consequences. His six-month prison sentence serves as a deterrent for others considering similar dangerous actions, highlighting the potential risks to lives and property.

The incident has raised concerns about aviation safety and the need for responsible behavior in the digital age. Overall, this case serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and the potential consequences of reckless actions.

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