Russian missile and drone attacks kill at least 11

Russian missile and drone attacks have killed at least 11 people in the war against Ukraine. It comes after NATO and Western forces agreed to bolster forces with dozens of tanks. CNN senior international correspondent CNN Sam Kiley chats to Today, revealing the strikes is part of long term campaign to “break the will of the Ukrainian people by smashing their capacity to generate and distribute electricity” in the middle of Winter.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been ongoing since 2014, with Russian forces launching a barrage of missiles and drones in the region. In January 2023, the attacks intensified with at least 11 people killed and dozens of buildings damaged. Ukrainian authorities declared an air raid alert and warned of a potential missile attack.

Russia has continued to launch multiple drones in overnight attacks on Ukraine, signaling no letup in its strategy of intimidation. The strikes came 36 hours after widespread protests against the government’s handling of the conflict. Kyiv was also targeted by a drone swarm which was thwarted by Ukrainian military forces.

NATO and Western forces have agreed to bolster their presence in the region with dozens of tanks, as well as additional troops and equipment. This is in response to the increased aggression from Russia, which shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has caused immense damage to both countries, with civilians caught in the crossfire. It is essential that NATO and Western forces continue to work together to bring peace to this troubled region.

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