Residents Devastated After Minister Approves Project That Could Impact Gouldian Finches


Approval For Darwin Housing Project Amid Environmental Concerns

The approval of Defence Housing Australia’s Lee Point housing project in Darwin has sparked concerns from environmental activists due to the potential impact on endangered species and their habitats.

The project, which aims to provide 800 homes to ease the city’s housing crisis, was initially halted in 2020 after the rare Gouldian finch was found in the area.

However, with new approval conditions, the development will now go ahead despite objections from the community.

An Environmental Impact Assessment was conducted to determine the potential impact of the project on the surrounding environment.

Concerns were raised about the loss of critical habitat for endangered species, including the Gouldian finch and other threatened species.

Despite these concerns, the Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek approved the project, stating that the new conditions would mitigate any negative impact on the environment.

However, activists argue that the development will ultimately result in the destruction of crucial habitats and the endangerment of already threatened species.

Key Takeaways

  • Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek approves Defence Housing Australia project at Lee Point, which plans to build 800 homes to ease the housing crisis in Darwin.
  • The project was initially halted last year after birdwatchers discovered the rare Gouldian finch in the area, and Plibersek has now imposed new conditions to protect the finch and old growth forests during the land clearing.
  • The project will require DHA to develop a new construction environment management plan and offset strategy to prevent impacts to the finch and migratory species during clearing, and around 22 hectares will be incorporated into the existing Casuarina Coastal Reserve.
  • Environment activists and lawyers from Environmental Justice Australia have criticised the decision, arguing that the project should be proceeding on a brownfield site and should not be occurring where it will result in habitat destruction for endangered species.

Project Overview

The Defence Housing Australia project at Lee Point, which has been approved by Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek, is a plan to build 800 homes in Darwin in an effort to alleviate the housing crisis. The project also includes a proposal for a park, cycle trail, medical centre, child care facilities, and a designated area for a public school.

However, the project has been met with environmental concerns due to land clearing that could impact threatened species in the area, including the rare Gouldian finch. The development will see around 22 hectares incorporated into the existing Casuarina Coastal Reserve, which is crucial habitat for thousands of migratory shorebirds that visit yearly.

Despite the approval, some activists and lawyers have criticized the decision and are calling for stronger environmental protections.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Assessing the potential environmental impact of the proposed development is crucial in ensuring the protection of threatened species and their habitats.

The approval of the Defence Housing Australia (DHA) project at Lee Point by Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek comes with conditions that aim to prevent any unacceptable impact on the area’s threatened species, particularly the rare Gouldian finch.

The project’s original plan was halted last year after birdwatchers discovered the finch in the area, prompting calls from environmental lawyers to revoke or suspend the project’s approval under environmental law.

Under the new approval conditions, DHA is required to develop a new construction environment management plan and offset strategy that includes measures to prevent impacts to the finch and migratory species during clearing.

The plan also proposes incorporating around 22 hectares into the existing Casuarina Coastal Reserve, where thousands of migratory shorebirds visit annually.

While some environmental activists criticize the government’s efforts to protect habitat as tokenistic and useless in terms of ecological benefits to species, the approval of the DHA project with new conditions reflects the government’s commitment to balancing economic development and environmental sustainability.

Community and Activist Response

Community members and environmental activists have expressed disappointment and frustration with the Federal Environment Minister’s decision to approve the DHA project at Lee Point. They argue that the decision ignores the concerns raised about the impact on threatened species and the need for sustainable development.

Despite the variations to the original approval conditions, which require DHA to develop a new construction environment management plan and offset strategy to include measures to prevent impacts to the finch and migratory species during clearing, activists claim that these measures are insufficient and tokenistic.

In response to the decision, dozens of community members gathered at Lee Point on Sunday afternoon to voice their concerns about the impact of the development on the environment. Environmental Justice Australia senior lawyer Ellen Maybery criticised the decision, stating that it showed Australia’s environment laws were broken.

She also argued that citizen science about the importance of the habitat for the finch had been ignored, and that the development should be proceeding on a brownfield site rather than resulting in the destruction of crucial habitat for endangered species.

Overall, the community and activist response highlights ongoing concerns about the balance between economic development and environmental protection in Australia.

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