Recreational cannabis could soon be legalised in Victoria


Cannabis could soon be legalised for recreational use in Victoria if reports this morning are to be believed.

Legalize Cannabis Movement Gains Momentum in Victoria

The movement to legalize cannabis in Victoria, Australia is gaining momentum, despite some opposition. Efforts to decriminalize the personal use of the drug are being discussed, with the Labor government recently voting against a bill proposed by the Legalise Cannabis party. However, the government remains open to ongoing discussions with the party.

While the Mental Health Minister sees some benefits in the bill, they cannot fully support it in its current form. The proposed changes aim for modest and commonsense reforms, including legal possession for personal use and cultivation of up to six plants. Advocates argue that the current prohibition of cannabis has led to a thriving illicit market and that redirecting funds towards health and education could be more beneficial.

Key Takeaways

  • Talks to decriminalize personal use of cannabis in Victoria have gained momentum.
  • The Legalize Cannabis party bill proposes modest changes to the current laws.
  • There is majority support for legalizing cannabis for personal use in Australia.
  • The MardiGrass Festival and cannabis law reform protest in Nimbin highlight the ongoing demand for cannabis law reform.

Background on Cannabis Legalization Efforts

The legalization campaign for cannabis in Victoria has been actively pursued by various organizations and individuals.

Talks to decriminalize personal use of cannabis have been ongoing, with the Labor government voting against the Legalise Cannabis party bill. However, the government remains open to ongoing discussions with the Legalise Cannabis Victoria party.

The Mental Health Minister sees some benefits to the bill but can’t support it as is, suggesting the potential for a health-led response to cannabis use.

The proposed changes in the Legalize Cannabis party bill aim for modest and commonsense modifications. Currently, the antiquated prohibition of cannabis leads to an illicit market worth $1.2 billion annually.

The proposed changes include legal possession for personal use and cultivation of up to six plants, with the caveat that cannabis could be given as a gift but not sold. Furthermore, redirecting the enormous amount of money spent on enforcing cannabis laws towards health and education is also a potential benefit.

Proposed Changes and Potential Benefits

A key proposed change in the Legalize Cannabis party bill is the legalization of possession and cultivation of up to six plants for personal use in Victoria. The bill aims for modest and commonsense changes to the current cannabis laws. It argues that the current prohibition is outdated and has led to a thriving illicit market worth $1.2 billion annually.

Under the proposed changes, individuals would be allowed to possess and cultivate a small number of plants for personal use. However, the initial plan doesn’t allow for the sale of cannabis, only gifting.

The potential benefits of these changes include redirecting the enormous amount of money spent on enforcing cannabis laws towards health and education initiatives. Furthermore, legalizing cannabis for personal use could offer a health-led response to cannabis use in Victoria.

Public Opinion and Poll Results

Public opinion in Victoria regarding the legalization of cannabis for personal use is increasingly favorable, according to recent poll results.

A poll shows that more than 40% of Australians support the legalization of cannabis for personal use. This growing support is in line with the decriminalization of minor cannabis offenses in the ACT, South Australia, and Northern Territory.

Furthermore, medicinal cannabis was legalized in Australia in 2016, indicating a shifting perspective on the drug. The recent Greens plan suggests that legalizing cannabis could generate $28 billion in revenue over nine years, further fueling the push for legalization.

While there are criticisms and opposition to the proposed changes, the poll results indicate a changing tide in public opinion, with a majority of Victorians supporting the legalization of cannabis for personal use.

Criticisms and Opposition to Cannabis Legalization

Opponents of cannabis legalization in Victoria raise concerns and criticisms regarding the proposed changes to drug laws. Former premier Daniel Andrews has expressed his opposition to the changes, arguing for a more comprehensive plan for legislation rather than just decriminalization.

David Limbrick of the Libertarian party considers the Legalise Cannabis bill too moderate, suggesting that it doesn’t go far enough in addressing the issue. Critics also point out that driving while impaired, supplying cannabis to children, and public smoking would still be criminalized under the proposed changes.

These opponents advocate for a more thorough examination of the potential consequences of legalization and the implementation of stricter regulations to ensure public safety.

MardiGrass Festival and Cannabis Law Reform Protest

The MardiGrass Festival and cannabis law reform protest in Victoria gained momentum as thousands of participants gathered to advocate for comprehensive legislation.

The festival, held in Nimbin, highlighted the ongoing demand for cannabis law reform and raised awareness about the need for comprehensive legislation. Festivities at the event included giant joints, green fairy dancers, and the ganja army, all of which demonstrated the community’s support for cannabis legalization.

The festival served as a platform for participants to voice their opinions and push for change in the current laws surrounding cannabis. With a strong turnout and a passionate atmosphere, the MardiGrass Festival and cannabis law reform protest provided a powerful message to lawmakers and the public about the importance of addressing cannabis legalization in Victoria.

Government Response and Ongoing Discussions

Discussions around the legalization of cannabis in Victoria have prompted the government to consider potential changes and engage in ongoing dialogue. While the Labor government voted against the Legalise Cannabis party bill, they’ve expressed openness to continuing discussions with the party.

The Mental Health Minister acknowledges some potential benefits of the bill but can’t support it in its current form. There’s a possibility of a health-led response to cannabis use, with proposed changes including legal possession for personal use and cultivation of up to six plants. However, under the initial plan, cannabis would only be allowed to be given as a gift and not sold.

The government is also considering redirecting the substantial amount of money spent enforcing cannabis laws towards health and education initiatives.

Future Outlook for Cannabis Legalization in Victoria

A growing number of supporters believe that the future outlook for cannabis legalization in Victoria is promising.

Despite the Labor government voting against the Legalise Cannabis party bill, they’ve expressed openness to ongoing discussions with the party.

The Mental Health Minister has acknowledged some benefits to the bill but can’t support it in its current form. The proposed changes by the Legalize Cannabis party aim for modest and commonsense reforms, including legal possession for personal use and cultivation of up to six plants. However, the initial plan doesn’t allow for the sale of cannabis, only gifting.

Public opinion polls show a majority of Australians support the legalization of cannabis for personal use, and previous legislation has already legalized medicinal cannabis. Critics argue for a comprehensive plan for legislation, rather than just decriminalization.


In conclusion, the movement to legalize cannabis in Victoria is gaining momentum, with ongoing discussions and efforts to decriminalize the personal use of the drug. While the Labor government voted against a proposed bill, they remain open to further discussions with the Legalise Cannabis party.

Recent polls show majority support for legalization, and advocates argue that redirecting funds from enforcing cannabis laws towards health and education would be beneficial. However, there are criticisms and opposition to the movement, calling for more comprehensive legislation. The future outlook for cannabis legalization in Victoria remains uncertain.

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