Queensland government announces $1.5 million donation for flood support


How the Miles Queensland government’s $1.5 million donation for Queensland floods be distributed.

Premier Urges Aussies to Support Flood-Ravaged Queensland

Premier Steven Miles of Queensland is appealing to Australians for support in the wake of the devastating floods that have ravaged the region. The Queensland Government has already made a significant contribution of $1.5 million to kickstart a flood recovery appeal, with the funds being allocated to five non-government organizations.

The aim of this initiative is to provide immediate assistance and relief to the flood-affected communities, which have experienced extensive damage and require urgent repairs. The impact of the flooding has been felt across various cities and towns, leaving thousands of homes and critical infrastructure in need of restoration.

In addition to the government’s support, further funding has been announced to aid farmers and small businesses. Premier Miles is urging all Australians to join the cause and help rebuild Queensland in the face of this devastating event.

Key Takeaways

  • Queensland Government has donated $1.5 million to kickstart flood recovery appeal, with the funds allocated to five non-government organizations.
  • Flooding has affected cities and small communities in Queensland, with thousands of homes expected to have suffered damage.
  • Additional funding has been announced for farmers and small businesses affected by flooding, including freight subsidies and financial assistance.
  • Massive clean-up efforts are underway in Far North Queensland, with the Australian Defence Force providing assistance and prioritizing food, medicine, and water for flood victims.

Government’s Donation and Fundraiser

The Queensland government’s donation and fundraiser aim to provide vital support and relief to flood-affected communities. In a significant move, the government has donated $1.5 million to kickstart the flood recovery appeal. This generous donation has been divided among five non-government organizations, namely the Australian Red Cross, The Salvation Army, Uniting Care Queensland, St Vincent De Paul Society, and GIVIT.

The ultimate goal of the fundraiser is to offer hands-on assistance to flood victims who have been severely impacted by the recent floods in Queensland. Premier Steven Miles has urged all Australians to contribute to this cause and help alleviate the suffering of those affected. This donation and fundraiser will play a crucial role in providing the necessary support and relief to communities grappling with the aftermath of the devastating floods.

Impact on Communities

Communities across Queensland have been severely affected by the recent floods, resulting in extensive damage to homes, businesses, and critical infrastructure. Cities and small communities, including Cairns, Port Douglas, and Wujal Wujal, have been hit hard by the flooding. It is estimated that thousands of homes have suffered flood damage, leaving many residents in need of assistance.

Stranded residents in remote towns are still awaiting government aid. The clean-up and recovery mission is expected to last several months, as houses, businesses, roads, and critical infrastructure are in urgent need of repair. The impact on communities is significant, and immediate support is crucial to help them recover and rebuild.

Additional Funding for Farmers and Small Businesses

Farmers and small businesses affected by the recent floods in Queensland will receive additional funding to aid in their recovery efforts, as the clean-up and restoration mission continues. The Queensland Government has announced a third round of funding to support these communities.

Primary producers in the hardest-hit regions will have access to freight subsidies, while disaster assistance and essential working capital loans will be offered to help with recovery and loss of income. Affected residents can also apply for one-off payments of $1,000 for adults and $400 per child. The Disaster Recovery Payment and Disaster Recovery Allowance can be accessed through servicesaustralia.gov.au.

This additional funding aims to provide much-needed support to farmers and small businesses as they work towards rebuilding and restoring their livelihoods.

Clean-up Efforts and Assistance

As the clean-up and restoration efforts continue, contractors are being requested to assist with the massive clean-up effort underway in Far North Queensland, following the recent devastating floods.

Residents in the affected areas are facing significant damage to their homes, furniture, and white goods. Emergency Minister Murray Watt has assured that priority is being given to providing food, medicine, and water to the flood victims.

The Australian Defence Force is also actively involved in conducting mass evacuations and providing assistance. The clean-up mission is expected to be a long and arduous process, as houses, businesses, roads, and critical infrastructure are in need of repair. The support and assistance of contractors are crucial in helping the affected communities recover and rebuild their lives.

Encouraging Tourism in the Region

Tourism in the flood-affected region is being actively encouraged by the Queensland Premier, who emphasizes the importance of supporting businesses in Cairns during the Christmas break.

Despite the recent flooding, the Premier highlights that Cairns is open for business but lacks visitors. Encouraging holidaymakers to consider visiting the region, tourism is seen as a crucial way to support local communities and contribute to the recovery effort.

By choosing to holiday in the flood-affected area, tourists can help boost the local economy and assist in rebuilding efforts. The Premier urges Australians to show their support by visiting Cairns and enjoying the attractions and activities it has to offer. This will not only provide much-needed revenue for local businesses but also help in revitalizing the region after the devastating floods.

Premier’s Call to Action

The Premier of Queensland is urging Australians to rally behind flood-ravaged Queensland and provide much-needed support. Premier Steven Miles is calling on the public to donate to the flood recovery appeal, which has already received a $1.5 million donation from the Queensland Government. The funds will be split between five non-government organizations, including the Australian Red Cross, The Salvation Army, Uniting Care Queensland, St Vincent De Paul Society, and GIVIT.

The Premier emphasizes the importance of assisting the affected communities, as thousands of homes have suffered flood damage and residents in remote towns are still awaiting government assistance. The clean-up and recovery mission is expected to last several months, with houses, businesses, roads, and critical infrastructure in need of repair. It is crucial for Australians to come together and support Queensland during this challenging time.

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