Push to lower Australia’s compulsory voting age to 16

There is a push to lower Australia’s compulsory voting age to 16 and federal parliament will next year debate the lowering the compulsory voting age to 16.

The Greens and Independents are leading a push to lower the compulsory voting age to 16, saying younger Australians are now more politically engaged, however many people are not convinced. With some critics of this proposal stating that 16 year olds are not mature enough to make these decisions.

According to some politicians it is important for the voice of 16 year old Australians to be heard via the voting process and they cite the fact that a 16 year old can work full time, pay taxes, join the army, get married and have children as important reasons on why 16 year olds should be able to have a say on government in Australia’s voting system.

It should be noted that younger voters tend to lean away from the conservative side of politics and more to political parties such as the Greens.  According to recent surveys almost half or 47% of young people chose the environment and climate as the issues most important to them.  36% cited equality and discrimination as their most important issues while 33% chose mental health.

The bill is set to be introduced into parliament in the first week of 2023.

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