Desperate search for bodies of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies | 9 News Australia

Desperate search for bodies of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies

  Investigators are searching for the bodies of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies after a NSW Police officer was charged with their Police Officer Charged in Double Murder Case The recent arrest of police officer Beau Lamarre-Condon in…

America lands on the moon after 50 years | 9 News Australia

America lands on the moon after 50 years

  For the first time in more than 50 years, America is on the An unmanned private spacecraft touched down this morning, defying an almost mission-stopping technical Historic Lunar Landing: US Craft Touches Down The recent historic…

No link found between weather and joint pain, studies show | 9 News Australia

No Link Found Between Weather And Joint Pain, Studies Show

  It’s a common belief the weather impacts back, knee or hip pain, but that’s been debunked by They analysed a dozen studies and found no evidence of a link, except for flare-ups of one particular health

Queenslanders urged to check smoke alarms after Russell Island fire | 7 News Australia

Queenslanders urged to check smoke alarms after Russell Island fire

  Queenslanders are being urged to check their smoke alarms after a woman was charged over a fatal house fire on Russell Police will allege the landlord didn’t have compliant smoke alarms installed and there are fears thousands…

Studies show a plant-based diet can improve sleep quality | 9 News Australia

Studies show a plant-based diet can improve sleep quality

  Eating a plant-based diet could dramatically improve sleep quality, according to a new Plant-Based Diet: The Key to Improved Sleep Quality A good night’s sleep is as crucial to our health as a balanced diet and regular…

Trip to Bunnings inspires creation of world’s first artificial heart | 7 News Australia

Trip to Bunnings inspires creation of world’s first artificial heart

  A revolutionary heart implant developed in Melbourne is about to be trialled in humans for the first It’s been decades in the making and began with a trip to Bunnings Melbourne Pioneers Develop World’s First Artificial Heart…

Queensland Police Commissioner resigns | 9 News Australia

Queensland Police Commissioner Resigns

  Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll has officially stood down from her position, following a text message revealing she “may not” continue as the state’s top Resignation of Queensland Police Commissioner The recent resignation of Queensland Police Commissioner…

Overhaul set for Australian Navy following a $20 billion funding hole | 9 News Australia

Overhaul set for Australian Navy following a $20 billion funding hole

  The Australian Navy is set for a major overhaul, following a review that revealed a $20 billion funding hole and the need for a new fleet of Labor Claims Massive Funding Gap in Hunter Warships The recent…

Queensland Police Commissioner contemplates future in role | 9 News Australia

Queensland Police Commissioner contemplates future in role

  Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll “may not” continue as the state’s top cop, after a bombshell text message to Nine’s Tim Arvier was Commissioner Carroll’s Contract Extension Sparks Public Interest The potential extension of Commissioner Katarina Carroll’s…

World-first genetically modified banana approved for human consumption | 7 News Australia

World-first genetically modified banana approved for human consumption

  It’s taken more than two decades, but Queensland scientists think they’ve finally perfected a genetically-modified The fruit is resistant to Panama disease and has just been approved for human GM Banana Approved to Combat Panama Disease…