Optus CEO Apologises Again For 14 Hour Network Outage


The Optus CEO has apologised to the millions of Australians impacted by last week’s shutdown of the network, but Kelly Bayer Rosmarin has defended her response to the outage.

Optus Outage Leaves Lives Hanging in Balance

The recent network outage experienced by Optus has sparked concerns over the company’s ability to provide reliable emergency services, as 228 triple zero calls failed to connect during the incident.

Optus conducted welfare checks with affected customers, but the CEO shifted blame, citing the complex triple zero system. The Australian Communications and Media Authority has initiated an investigation. Optus must address the concerns, regain customer trust, and ensure future outages do not compromise lives.

Key Takeaways

  • 228 triple zero calls failed to connect during the Optus outage, prompting an investigation by the ACMA.
  • Optus acknowledged their unacceptable performance during the outage and conducted welfare checks with affected customers.
  • The CEO avoided questions about her potential resignation and expressed openness to new leadership at the telco.
  • Optus was unprepared for a large-scale outage of this nature and plans to learn from the incident to improve preparedness in the future.

Failed Triple Zero Calls During Outage

During the recent Optus outage, a significant number of triple zero calls failed to connect, raising concerns about the effectiveness of emergency services during network disruptions. A total of 228 triple zero calls were reported to have failed during the outage, leaving individuals in potentially life-threatening situations without immediate access to emergency assistance.

Optus conducted welfare checks with all 228 affected customers and confirmed their safety. However, the CEO shifted blame for the failed calls, stating that the triple zero system involves multiple carriers and device manufacturers. This raises questions about the reliability and resilience of emergency services during network outages.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has initiated an investigation to determine why the emergency service did not work as expected during the outage. This incident highlights the need for robust contingency plans and reliable communication systems to ensure the effectiveness of emergency services in critical situations.

Acknowledgement of Unacceptable Performance

The acknowledgement of Optus’ unacceptable performance during the network outage is a critical step towards addressing the concerns raised by failed triple zero calls and restoring trust in the company’s ability to provide reliable communication services.

The CEO openly admitted that Optus’ performance during the outage was not acceptable, recognizing the essential role the company plays in Australian lives. She expressed a commitment to providing continuous connectivity and stated that immediate and ongoing steps have been taken to rectify any shortcomings.

Apologies were offered for letting down customers, accompanied by a deep sense of remorse. Assurance was given that the company is dedicated to regaining trust.

This acknowledgment of the problem and commitment to improvement is essential in rebuilding customer confidence and ensuring the safety and reliability of communication services.

Evasion of Questions About CEO

The CEO of Optus evaded inquiries regarding her future as the company’s leader. When questioned about reports of her potential resignation, she claimed to be unaware of any recent reports and stated that her focus has been on resolving the outage issue and not on personal matters. She mentioned being open to the suggestion of new leadership at the telco but did not provide a definitive statement regarding her plans to resign.

This evasion raises questions about the CEO’s commitment to the company and her ability to handle the fallout from the network outage. Optus customers and stakeholders are left uncertain about the CEO’s future and whether she is the right person to lead the company through this crisis.

Optus Unprepared for Large-Scale Outage

Optus, a telecommunications company, demonstrated a lack of preparedness for a large-scale outage that severely impacted individuals, businesses, and crucial services. The company’s network managing director admitted that they did not have a plan in place for an outage of last week’s scale.

Despite maintaining high levels of redundancy, the unexpected outage left Optus unprepared to handle the situation effectively. This massive disruption affected not only individuals and businesses but also health and government services, putting lives at risk.

Optus has since offered compensation to affected customers and taken immediate steps to rectify any shortcomings. The incident serves as a lesson for the company to improve its preparedness for future outages and ensure the stability and reliability of its network.

Cause of the Outage and Response From Optus

Optus’ response to the large-scale outage that left them unprepared revealed the cause of the incident and highlighted the company’s commitment to improving network stability and reliability.

The outage was caused by routing information changes received from an international peering network during a routine software upgrade. These changes exceeded safety levels on key routers, resulting in their disconnection from the Optus IP Core network.

The Department of Home Affairs ruled out a cyber-attack as the cause of the outage. Optus has offered compensation to affected customers and received around $430,000 in claims The CEO emphasized the need to learn from the incident and improve network stability and reliability in the future. This incident serves as a lesson for Optus to enhance their preparedness for similar events.

Lessons Learned and Future Improvements

An analysis of the recent Optus outage reveals valuable lessons learned and opportunities for future improvements. The outage highlighted the need for better preparedness in the face of large-scale disruptions. Optus admitted that they did not have a plan in place for an outage of this magnitude, despite maintaining high levels of redundancy.

This incident affected not only individuals and businesses but also critical health and government services. Moving forward, Optus must prioritize developing a comprehensive outage response plan to minimize the impact on customers and ensure the stability and reliability of their network.

Additionally, the company should invest in ongoing training and testing to enhance their ability to handle similar situations in the future. By learning from this incident, Optus can improve their overall network resilience and regain the trust of their customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Specific Actions Did Optus Take to Rectify the Failed Triple Zero Calls During the Outage?

Optus took immediate action to rectify the failed triple zero calls during the outage by conducting welfare checks with all affected customers and confirming their safety. They have also initiated an investigation into the matter.

How Will Optus Regain the Trust of Its Customers After the Network Outage?

Optus aims to regain customer trust by acknowledging the unacceptable performance during the outage, taking immediate steps to rectify shortcomings, offering compensation, and expressing a commitment to providing continuous connectivity and improving network stability and reliability in the future.

Can the CEO Provide Any Updates on the Potential Resignation or Replacement of the CEO Following the Network Outage?

The CEO of Optus has been evasive regarding her potential resignation or replacement following the network outage. She stated her focus has been on resolving the issue and not on personal matters. No definitive statement was made regarding her plans to resign.

What Measures Will Optus Implement to Improve Its Preparedness for Future Large-Scale Outages?

Optus will take measures to improve preparedness for future large-scale outages. Lessons will be learned from the recent incident, and steps will be taken to enhance network stability and reliability.

Has Optus Taken Any Additional Steps to Enhance the Stability and Reliability of Its Network Following the Outage?

Optus has taken additional steps to enhance the stability and reliability of its network following the outage. Measures include improving redundancy, implementing stricter safety levels, and conducting thorough software upgrades. These actions aim to prevent similar incidents in the future.


In conclusion, the recent network outage experienced by Optus and the failure of triple zero calls highlight the urgent need for the company to address and rectify any shortcomings in its emergency service provision.

The lack of preparedness and absence of a contingency plan further underscore the significance of the issue. It is crucial for Optus to regain the trust of its customers and ensure that future outages do not compromise the safety and well-being of those in need.

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