New tax change will make it tougher for Queensland GP practices


Queensland GP practices are facing financial troubles with a tax burden set to make keeping their doors open tough. A new interpretation of payroll tax laws will leave some with the choice to increase fees or face closure.

The Queensland government has recently made changes to the payroll tax laws, which will have a significant impact on GP practices in the state. This new interpretation of the law is expected to leave some practices with no choice but to increase fees or face closure.

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has expressed concern about the changes, saying that it could lead to an increase in costs for practice owners and patients alike. The RACGP also raised concerns that this could force some practices to close their doors.

The AMAQ has warned that this “greedy” state tax grab could cripple general medical practices and end up leaving patients without access to quality care. They have called on the government to reconsider their decision and ensure that GPs are not unfairly burdened by these changes.

It is clear that these tax changes will have a detrimental effect on GP practices in Queensland, and it remains to be seen what impact they will have on patient care. It is essential that the government takes action now to ensure that GPs are not unfairly impacted by these changes, and that patients continue to receive quality care from their local GP practice.

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