More than 600 dead after powerful earthquake hits Morocco


At least 632 people are confirmed dead after a powerful earthquake hit Morocco.

Devastating ‘Doomsday’ Earthquake Rocks Morocco

A catastrophic earthquake of magnitude 6.8 has struck Morocco, causing widespread devastation and loss of life. With over 2000 fatalities and thousands injured, the earthquake has left mountainous villages and ancient cities in ruins, including significant damage to landmarks.

Rescue and aid operations are underway, hampered by challenging terrain and blocked roads. International support is pouring in as world leaders express condolences and offer assistance.

As the death toll rises, urgent efforts are needed to provide rescue, relief, and rebuild affected areas.

Key Takeaways

  • The earthquake in Morocco was the largest in 120 years, with a magnitude of 6.8, resulting in over 2000 deaths and extensive damage to buildings in mountainous villages and ancient cities.
  • King Mohammed VI ordered the mobilization of the armed forces for rescue efforts, and specialized search and rescue teams, surgical field hospitals, and the Moroccan Red Crescent workers were deployed to assist in removing debris and aiding affected villages.
  • Landmarks such as the famous Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakech and the red walls surrounding the old city, a UNESCO World Heritage site, were damaged, causing fear among residents. Videos posted by Moroccans showed the extent of damage to the city’s historic landmarks.
  • Rescue and aid efforts faced challenges due to blocked roads, large distances between mountain villages, and difficulties in reaching hard-hit areas. International response and support were offered, with world leaders expressing condolences and countries such as Turkey, France, and Germany offering assistance.

Earthquake Impact in Morocco

The earthquake in Morocco resulted in over 2000 fatalities and caused extensive damage to buildings in mountainous villages and ancient cities. With a magnitude of 6.8, it is the largest earthquake recorded in Morocco in the past 120 years.

The collapse of buildings in remote areas made it difficult for rescuers to reach affected populations, resulting in challenges in providing timely assistance. In response to the disaster, King Mohammed VI ordered the armed forces to mobilize for rescue efforts. Meanwhile, offers of help from around the world poured in, although a formal assistance request had not been made yet. Specialized search and rescue teams, as well as a surgical field hospital, were deployed to aid in the rescue and relief operations.

The earthquake also caused damage to famous landmarks such as the Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakech and the red walls surrounding the old city, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Response and Assistance Efforts

Response and assistance efforts following the recent seismic event in Morocco have seen the mobilization of specialized search and rescue teams, deployment of a surgical field hospital, and the involvement of the Moroccan Red Crescent workers in aiding affected villages.

King Mohammed VI has ordered the armed forces to mobilize for rescue efforts, while offers of help from around the world have been received.

Specialized search and rescue teams have been deployed, along with a surgical field hospital to provide medical assistance. The Moroccan Red Crescent workers have been actively involved in removing debris and providing aid to the affected villages.

The Moroccan military is utilizing aircraft, helicopters, and drones to facilitate aid efforts. Despite challenges in accessing remote areas and blocked roads, international support and assistance are pouring in, with world leaders offering aid and rescue crews.

The response and assistance efforts are ongoing to provide relief and support to those affected by the devastating earthquake in Morocco.

Damage to Landmarks in Morocco

Extensive damage has been reported to the famous Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakech, as well as the red walls surrounding the old city, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The devastating earthquake that rocked Morocco has left these historic landmarks in a state of disrepair, causing fear among residents and visitors alike.

The 12th-century mosque, known for its iconic minaret, has been affected, although the full extent of the damage is still unclear. Videos posted by Moroccans show the destruction caused to the city’s historic landmarks, highlighting the magnitude of the disaster.

The red walls that enclose the old city, a symbol of Marrakech’s rich history, have also suffered significant damage. As rescue and aid efforts continue, the focus now shifts to assessing the damage and initiating the necessary restoration and reconstruction plans to preserve these important cultural treasures.

Eyewitness Accounts of the Devastating Earthquake

Eyewitnesses in the affected region described scenes of chaos and fear as the ground shook and buildings collapsed around them. People ran in panic, searching for safety, while others were found injured or worse. The earthquake, described by witnesses as a ‘doomsday’ scenario, caused widespread terror among the residents.

The sound of children crying added to the overall sense of devastation. Rescuers were seen using hammers and axes to free trapped individuals from the debris. Ayoub Toudite, a witness, reported 20 deaths and 30 injuries in the area.

The eyewitness accounts highlight the immediate and profound impact of the earthquake on the affected communities, underscoring the urgent need for rescue and aid efforts to mitigate further loss of life and alleviate the suffering of those affected.

Challenges in Rescue and Aid Operations

Access to the affected mountain region has been severely impeded due to blocked roads and collapsed rocks, posing significant challenges for rescue and aid operations in the region.

The aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Morocco has left remote areas in the mountainous region hard-hit and difficult to reach for rescuers. Trucks loaded with supplies are facing difficulties reaching the hard-hit areas, while ambulances and emergency services are also struggling to access the affected populations.

The Moroccan Red Crescent workers are assisting in removing debris and aiding the affected villages, while the Moroccan military is utilizing aircraft, helicopters, and drones for aid efforts. However, the large distances between mountain villages and the ongoing roadblocks and debris are causing delays in the rescue and aid operations.

Efforts are being made to clear the roadblocks and facilitate the operations, but the challenges remain significant.

International Response and Support for Morocco

World leaders from various countries have expressed their condolences and offered assistance to Morocco in response to the recent earthquake. Condolences have poured in from countries around Europe, the Middle East, and India. Turkey’s president has proposed assistance due to their own experience with earthquakes.

France and Germany, with large populations of people with Moroccan origins, have offered to help. The leaders of Ukraine and Russia have expressed support for Moroccans during this difficult time.

The international community has rallied together to provide aid and rescue crews to assist in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake. This outpouring of support reflects the global solidarity and willingness to assist Morocco in its recovery efforts.

Damage and Death Toll From the Earthquake

The death toll continues to rise as more than 600 lives have been lost due to the recent seismic event in the Marrakech-Safi region, with severe damages reported throughout the affected area. Lahcen Mhanni, Head of the Seismic Monitoring and Warning Department, stated that the earthquake was the strongest ever recorded in the region.

The full extent of damage is not yet known, but initial reports suggest widespread destruction and loss of life. Buildings in mountainous villages and ancient cities have collapsed, and remote areas that are difficult to reach for rescuers have been hard-hit.

Rescue and aid efforts are being mobilized, with specialized search and rescue teams, a surgical field hospital, and the Moroccan Red Crescent providing assistance. However, challenges such as blocked roads, long distances between villages, and difficulties accessing affected populations are hindering these efforts.

The international community has also offered support, with world leaders and neighboring countries expressing condolences and offering aid and rescue crews. As the rescue and recovery operations continue, the death toll is expected to rise further.

Shallow Quake and Epicenter Details

The magnitude 6.8 earthquake that struck Morocco had a shallow depth, making it more dangerous. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported that the epicenter was near the town of Ighil in Al Haouz Province, approximately 70 kilometers south of Marrakech. The USGS stated that the epicenter was 18 kilometers below the Earth’s surface, while Morocco’s seismic agency estimated it to be 11 kilometers down.

Shallow quakes can cause more damage as their energy is more concentrated near the surface. The USGS also recorded a magnitude 4.9 aftershock just 19 minutes after the main quake.

This earthquake is one of the strongest ever recorded in the region, surpassing historical earthquakes in Morocco such as the 1960 Agadir earthquake and the 2004 Al Hoceima earthquake.

Historical Earthquakes and Vulnerability in Morocco

Morocco has experienced deadly earthquakes in the past, such as the 1960 Agadir earthquake and the 2004 Al Hoceima earthquake, highlighting the vulnerability of its buildings and infrastructure. These historical earthquakes have demonstrated the devastating impact that seismic activity can have on the country.

The 1960 Agadir earthquake, with a magnitude of 5.8, resulted in thousands of deaths and led to changes in construction rules in Morocco. Similarly, the 2004 Al Hoceima earthquake, measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale, claimed over 600 lives.

Despite efforts to improve construction regulations, many buildings in Morocco, particularly rural homes, are still not built to withstand such tremors. This vulnerability poses significant challenges for the country in mitigating the effects of future earthquakes and protecting its population and infrastructure.


In conclusion, the devastating earthquake in Morocco has caused widespread destruction and loss of life. The response and assistance efforts, both domestic and international, have been mobilized to provide rescue and aid to the affected populations.

The damage to landmarks and infrastructure highlights the challenges faced in reaching remote areas. The international community has expressed condolences and offered support to Morocco during this difficult time.

The death toll continues to rise, emphasizing the urgent need for rescue, relief, and rebuilding efforts in the aftermath of this catastrophic event.

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