Meteorologist warns Super El Nino very likely to hit Australia


Meteorologist Ken Kito has warned a Super El Nino is very likely to hit Australia in coming months.

Super El Nino Warning: Australia Braces for Possible Extreme Weather Phenomenon

Australia is bracing itself for a possible extreme weather phenomenon, as meteorologist Ken Kito warns of a ‘Super El Nino’ arriving in the country shortly. El Nino is an irregularly occurring climate pattern in the Pacific Ocean that can affect weather worldwide. It is part of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and is associated with a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-tropical Pacific Ocean, which can cause extreme weather events such as floods and droughts.

In Australia, El Nino has been known to cause severe drought and bushfires, leading to devastating losses for farmers and other industries. In 2023, some climate models are raising the possibility later this year of an extreme or “super El Niño”, marked by very high temperatures in a large area of the tropical Pacific Ocean. Ken Kito has warned that this could lead to widespread extreme events across Australia.

“We need to be prepared for what could be a very strong El Nino event this year,” said Kito. “It’s likely to bring more heatwaves than usual, with higher temperatures than normal over much of eastern Australia.” He added that it could also lead to more intense storms and heavy rainfalls in some areas, while others may experience prolonged dry spells due to increased evaporation rates from warmer air temperatures.

The consequences of such an event could be far-reaching – from agricultural losses due to drought or flooding, economic losses due to disruption of business activities, and even social unrest due to displacement caused by natural disasters. Experts have advised people living in affected areas to prepare for potential power outages and other disruptions caused by extreme weather events associated with El Nino.

“People should make sure they have emergency supplies on hand such as food and water,” said Kito. “They should also check their insurance policies so they know what coverage they have if their property is damaged by floods or other natural disasters.” He added that people should also take steps to reduce their energy consumption during periods of high demand when electricity prices are likely to rise significantly.

As Australia awaits the arrival of a potentially devastating Super El Nino event later this year, it is important for people living in affected areas to stay informed about the situation and take necessary precautions ahead of time. With proper preparation, we can minimize any harm caused by this natural disaster.

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