How to get the best price for your property in 2023


Whether you’ve outgrown your home, found your dream property or need to move for other reasons, selling up can be an emotional experience. To discuss exactly what that looks like and how to get the best price from your property, Domain Property expert Alice Stolz joins the Today Show.

Leverage Technology To Help You Find The Right Buyer For Your Home

Are you looking to sell your home? If so, then it’s important to find the right buyer for your property. After all, getting the right person to purchase your house can mean a smoother process and a higher sale price. And thanks to technology, there are now more ways than ever before to find the right buyer for your home.

One of the most effective ways of finding the right buyer is by using online real estate sites. These websites can be a great resource for anyone looking to sell their property as they provide a wealth of information about potential buyers in your area. You can use these sites to filter out buyers who don’t meet your criteria and focus on those who do. On top of that, many of these websites offer features like virtual tours and 3D walkthroughs which can help potential buyers get an even better understanding of what your home has to offer.

Social media is another great way to leverage technology when trying to find the right buyer for your home. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are excellent tools for reaching out directly to potential buyers in your area or beyond. You can post pictures or videos of your property, share details about its features and amenities, or even create an ad campaign targeting people who may be interested in buying homes in that area. This type of direct marketing can be incredibly powerful when it comes to finding the perfect buyer for your home.

Another useful tool is online mortgage calculators which allow potential buyers to quickly determine how much they could potentially borrow from lenders based on their income and credit score – giving them an idea if they could afford your property before they decide if they want it or not. By providing this kind of information up front, you’re making it easier for prospective buyers who may be interested in purchasing but need additional financial assistance from lenders in order do so – which makes it more likely that you’ll find someone who is both willing and able buy from you quickly and at a reasonable price too!


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