Erin Molan Expresses Genuine Disdain Over National Security Going Backwards


Sky News host Erin Molan has expressed anger at the government’s failure to ensure Australia’s safety while people like her late father, retired Major-General and senator Jim Molan, were “cruelly ignored”.

The Australian Defence Force is set to lower fitness and health standards to boost recruitment after it was revealed the ADF faced a shortage of more than 4,300 people.

Ms Molan said her father, who was the Chief of Operations for the United States and Coalition Forces in Iraq, was one of Australia’s “greatest resources”.

“Dad had a healthy ego, absolutely, but what drove him was a love for this country like no other and a fierce determination to do whatever he could to keep it safe,” Ms Molan said.

“If his pleas for a National Security Strategy had been taken seriously, then we’d be far better off than we are now, miles ahead even.

“This is not bitterness, by the way; I promise you, it’s not. This is genuine disdain that our country has gone backwards as we hit peak panic.”

Erin Molan’s Genuine Disdain Over Australia’s National Security

Erin Molan, a prominent Australian journalist and Sky News host, has recently expressed severe disappointment and anger over what she perceives as the government’s failure to ensure the safety of Australia. She believes that the country’s national security has regressed significantly, a situation she describes with ‘genuine disdain.’

Molan’s outrage is fueled by the perceived neglect of advice from her late father, retired Major-General and senator Jim Molan, whom she regards as one of Australia’s “greatest resources.” Jim Molan served as the Chief of Operations for the United States and Coalition Forces in Iraq and was known for his dedication to Australia’s security.

“Dad had a healthy ego, absolutely, but what drove him was a love for this country like no other and a fierce determination to do whatever he could to keep it safe,” Erin Molan said in a recent statement on Sky News. She believes that if her father’s call for a robust National Security Strategy had been heeded, Australia would be in a far better position than it currently is.

Meanwhile, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) faces a significant shortage of personnel, with over 4,300 positions reportedly vacant. In response, the ADF is considering lowering its fitness and health standards to boost recruitment. However, Erin Molan argues that such measures are insufficient to counter the broader issues plaguing Australia’s national security.

“This is not bitterness, by the way; I promise you, it’s not. This is genuine disdain that our country has gone backwards as we hit peak panic,” Molan said. Her comments reflect a growing concern among some Australians about the country’s direction in terms of national security.

Erin Molan’s career in journalism spans nearly two decades, during which she has been a vocal advocate for national security and foreign affairs. Currently, she co-hosts the breakfast radio show Hughesy, Ed and Erin on 2Day FM.

It remains to be seen how the Australian government will respond to these criticisms. However, Molan’s comments have undoubtedly sparked a conversation about the country’s national security strategy and the need for robust measures to ensure Australia’s safety.

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