Disturbing deepfake of Karl Stefanovic emerges online


A disturbing AI deepfake scam video has emerged online using the image of Karl Stefanovic, prompting warnings for Australians.

Disturbing Deepfake of Karl Stefanovic Sparks Concerns About AI Misuse

A disturbing deepfake video featuring well-known Australian television presenter, Karl Stefanovic, has emerged online, prompting a wave of concern over the misuse of artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

The video material, which was reportedly found on several social media platforms, presents an eerily realistic representation of Stefanovic, manipulated to make it appear as if he is saying things that he never actually said.

Deepfakes, a term coined from “deep learning” and “fake”, are synthetic media in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else’s likeness using artificial neural networks. While the technology has legitimate uses, it can also be exploited to create misleading or harmful content.

The incident involving Stefanovic serves as a stark reminder of the potential risks associated with this emerging technology. As deepfakes become increasingly sophisticated, distinguishing between real and fabricated content gets more challenging, raising significant ethical and security concerns.

Cybersecurity experts warn that these types of manipulations can cause serious damage when used maliciously. They can be used for disinformation campaigns, fraud, and potentially even political manipulation.

In response to the disturbing video, Stefanovic himself has not yet commented. However, the incident has sparked a broader conversation about the need for regulatory measures to prevent the misuse of deepfake technology.

Legal experts suggest that laws need to catch up with technology. Currently, there is no specific legislation in Australia addressing the creation and distribution of deepfakes. Considering the potential harm that these videos could cause, there is a pressing need for legal reform.

As we continue to navigate the digital age, incidents like this underline the importance of critical media literacy and the need for ongoing discussions about ethics in AI development and use.


  1. Disturbing deepfake of Karl Stefanovic emerges online

  2. Deepfakes and Synthetic Media: What threat does this emerging technology pose to our privacy and democracy?

  3. Navigating the Deep, Dark and Fake

  4. Deepfakes: When seeing isn’t believing

  5. How Deepfakes Undermine Trust In Objective Reality

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