Cyber criminals cloning voices with AI to scam Australians

AI Voice Cloning Scams on the Rise in Australia

Cybercrime is a growing problem in Australia, and now fraudsters are using artificial intelligence (AI) to clone voices and carry out scams. This new form of cybercrime has seen Australians lose millions of dollars to criminals who use AI technology to mimic voices of company directors and other authority figures.

Voice cloning technology is becoming increasingly accessible, allowing criminals to create convincing audio recordings that sound like real people. In one recent case, fraudsters used voice cloning technology to steal as much as $35 million from a company in the United Arab Emirates. The scammers cloned the voice of the company director and used it to deceive employees into transferring funds into fraudulent accounts.

This type of scam is particularly difficult to detect because it relies on sophisticated AI tools which can generate realistic-sounding audio clips that mimic a person’s voice. It is also hard for victims to spot these scams because they often involve calls from unknown numbers or conversations with people they know but cannot see.

Experts warn that this type of scam is becoming more common, with scammers using AI-powered emergency scams such as impersonating police officers or medical professionals. To protect themselves, individuals should be cautious when answering calls from unknown numbers and never provide personal information over the phone unless they are certain who they are speaking with. Additionally, families should establish a code word that must be used before any money is transferred or personal information shared over the phone.

The rise in AI-powered scams highlights the need for businesses and individuals alike to remain vigilant against cybercrime threats and take steps to protect themselves against these sophisticated attacks. As Eddy Bobritsky, a cyber security expert says: “Advanced artificial intelligence tools are changing the game for cybercriminals” – making it even more important for us all to stay informed about emerging threats and take action where necessary.

Cyber criminals are taking it to extreme lengths to cheat you out of your money, now using cloning voices using AI to scam you.

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