Calls To Review Dairy Prices In Supermarkets


There are calls to review Australia’s dairy pricing code, with warnings it’s locking in higher costs at the supermarket. Producers are urging the Albanese government to expedite the review of the dairy code of conduct. They argue that this code is responsible for maintaining high prices, thus rendering them uncompetitive in international markets. They believe a swift reassessment could lead to changes benefiting both the producers and consumers.

Dairy Code Controversy: Are Minimum Prices Hindering Lower Grocery Costs

The dairy code controversy surrounding minimum prices and their impact on grocery costs has ignited a heated debate among industry stakeholders. While Assistant Competition Minister Andrew Leigh has voiced support for the code, concerns from dairy producers have raised questions about the effectiveness of this approach.

The price disparity between local and overseas markets, driven by fierce competition rather than regulatory measures, is a key point of contention. As the industry grapples with increasing imports and potential supply shortfalls, finding a balance between supporting local producers and maintaining lower grocery costs becomes a pressing issue.

Labor’s Support for Dairy Code

Labor’s staunch support for the dairy code of conduct remains unwavering, as Assistant Competition Minister Andrew Leigh affirms their intention to maintain the code unchanged.

The dairy code of conduct, which imposes annual farm gate prices for milk, has been a subject of debate among dairy producers and industry experts. While some producers believe that the mandatory minimum prices keep household staple prices high, others argue that the price gap between local and overseas prices is due to fierce competition rather than the code rules.

The code has also faced criticism for potentially hindering local producers’ ability to compete with cheaper imported dairy products. However, Labor stands firm in its support for the code, emphasizing the importance of regulating the relationship between processors and farmers.

Producers’ Concerns About Minimum Prices

The dairy code of conduct, which imposes annual farm gate prices for milk, has sparked concerns among dairy producers regarding the impact of minimum prices on household staple prices. Producers argue that the mandatory minimum prices for milk are keeping household staple prices high. They are calling for a fast-tracked review of the dairy code to address this issue.

Producers believe that the price gap between local and overseas prices is due to fierce competition in the market rather than the rules imposed by the code. Additionally, they are concerned that the El Nino weather pattern, causing supply shortfalls in 2023-24, may further impact prices.

However, Ben Bennett, president of Australian Dairy Farmers, dismisses claims that the code is the current cause of high prices.

Impact on Global-Local Price Gap

The dairy code of conduct has had a significant impact on the price gap between global and local milk prices in Australia. Fabrizio Jorge, CEO of dairy processor Beston Global Foods, believes that the global-local price gap would be lower without the dairy code.

While he supports the code as a framework for regulating the relationship between processors and farmers, he criticizes its pricing part. The code requires producers to lock in minimum farm gate prices in June for the following financial year, and the minimum price cannot go lower than the opening price set in June, even if there is excess supply.

As a result, Fonterra and Saputo, the two largest buyers in Australia, had to raise their opening price for milk multiple times in 2023 to remain competitive. This has led to challenges for local producers who are finding it difficult to compete with cheaper imported dairy products. They argue that the minimum price should be set on a month-by-month basis to be more responsive to overseas trends.

Challenges Faced by Local Producers

Local dairy producers in Australia are currently facing a range of challenges. One major challenge is the failure of the El Nino weather pattern to create hotter, drier conditions, which has resulted in more milk production than expected. Normally, excess supply would lead to a fall in prices, but the code-imposed minimum price prevents this. Furthermore, local producers are struggling to compete with the influx of cheaper dairy products from countries like New Zealand. Imports of butter from New Zealand have increased by 62% and cheese imports by 33% in the past 12 months.

To address these challenges, local producers are calling for the minimum price to be set on a month-by-month basis to be more responsive to overseas trends. This would enable them to adapt to the changing market conditions and remain competitive.

Potential Solutions and Government Intervention

To address the challenges faced by local dairy producers and ensure a balance between supporting domestic industry and maintaining affordable prices for consumers, potential solutions and government intervention can be explored.

One potential solution is to adjust the minimum price on a forward-looking perspective, rather than retrospectively. This would help reduce the price differential and make it more responsive to overseas trends.

Additionally, further government intervention at the trade level could be considered to address the distortion created by the dairy code. This could involve reviewing Australia’s free trade agreement with New Zealand to potentially introduce trade barriers that would affect the cost of cheaper overseas dairy alternatives.

Producers and processors also need to have conversations about global trends and adapt their pricing strategies accordingly. Finding a balance between supporting local producers and ensuring affordable prices for consumers is crucial in this debate.

Balancing Support for Producers and Consumer Affordability

Finding a delicate balance between supporting dairy producers and ensuring affordability for consumers is a crucial aspect of addressing the dairy code controversy. While the dairy code of conduct aims to protect and support producers by imposing minimum prices for milk, there is concern that these prices are hindering lower grocery costs for consumers. Producers argue that the mandatory minimum prices keep household staple prices high, making it difficult for consumers to afford dairy products.

On the other hand, producers face challenges in competing with cheaper imported dairy products, further exacerbating the issue. To address this, potential solutions include adjusting prices on a forward-looking perspective and having conversations about global trends to adapt pricing strategies.

Ultimately, finding a balance that supports both producers and consumers is essential for resolving the dairy code controversy.

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