Busting the 10 000 steps a day myth


New health research is prompting a re-think of the recommended 10 000 steps a day. Scientists now say we should take fewer steps at a faster pace for the ideal benefit.

For years, many of us have been told to take 10,000 steps a day for optimal health. But recent research is prompting us to re-think this popular notion. Scientists now say that taking fewer steps at a faster pace may be the ideal way to get the most benefit from our daily walks.

A recent study found that the popular myth of needing 10,000 steps per day for health benefits is flawed. The study showed that getting between 6,000 and 8,000 steps per day was associated with lower mortality rates than those who took more or fewer steps.

The origin of the 10,000 step goal can be traced back to Japan in 1965 when a device called Manpo-kei was released. Translating to “10,000-step meter”, it quickly became an accepted standard for people looking to improve their health and fitness levels.

However, this one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t account for individual needs and abilities. For instance, if you already get 10 000 steps or more per day then there’s no need to lower your goal – there may even be additional benefits for outcomes not measured in the study. Similarly, if you are unable to reach 10 000 steps due to physical limitations then don’t worry – any amount of walking has been shown to have positive effects on health and wellbeing.

The key takeaway from this research is that it’s not just about how many steps we take but also how fast we walk them. Speed walking has been linked with reduced risk of death from all causes as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer specifically. So while it might not be necessary to hit the magical number of 10 000 each day, it could still be beneficial to pick up the pace during your next stroll around the block!

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