Brutal heatwave to sweep over east coast, Queensland summer storms

A brutal heatwave is set to sweep over part of Australia, including the East Coast and South Australia, with temperatures reaching up to 37 degrees. In Queensland, it’s a different story entirely, as the state prepares for storms, cyclones and flash flooding.

Reports are predicting an extreme heatwave to hit the southern parts of the country in the coming days, with some areas expected to experience temperatures soaring above 40°C. The Bureau of Meteorology has warned of sweltering conditions and urged people in high risk areas to take extra precautions. Meanwhile, communities in North Queensland are preparing for flash flooding as heavy rain is predicted. It should come to no surprise that Australia never fails to bring forth extremes of hot or wet weather during different times of the year – a reminder for us all to check up on how our families and neighbours are faring during this especially turbulent season.

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