Brutal cold snap to send temperatures plummeting


Weather Bureau senior meteorologist Miriam Bradbury joins Weekend Today to discuss the brutal cold snap hitting Queensland this weekend.

A brutal cold snap is set to send temperatures plummeting across Queensland this weekend, according to the Weather Bureau. A meteorologist has warned residents to brace themselves for below-average temperatures and potentially frosty conditions.

The sudden drop in temperature is part of a cold front sweeping across Australia, which has already caused record-breaking lows in several regions. Now, it seems Queensland is next in line to feel the chill.

“We’re expecting a significant drop in temperatures across the state,” said a meteorologist from the Weather Bureau. “This cold snap is particularly harsh and could lead to some of the coldest conditions we’ve seen in years.”

Residents are being advised to prepare for the cold weather by ensuring they have adequate heating and warm clothing. Vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and those with health conditions, are especially urged to take precautions.

The sudden change in weather could also impact outdoor activities and events planned for the weekend. Farmers and gardeners are being warned about potential frost damage, and pet owners are being reminded to provide warm shelter for their animals.

While Queenslanders are more accustomed to warmer weather, the Weather Bureau assures that these cold snaps, though brutal, are not uncommon. “These cold fronts are a normal part of our winter weather patterns,” said the senior meteorologist. “However, this one is particularly strong, so we urge everyone to stay warm and safe.”

As the state gears up for a chilly weekend, the focus is on preparation and safety. Queenslanders are reminded to check in on vulnerable neighbours and family members, and to stay tuned to the Weather Bureau for updates.

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