Australia’s Supermarket Giants To Share Price Information With Government


Australia’s supermarket giants will share price information with the Queensland government following a landmark meeting with the premier. Coles, Woolworths and Aldi met Steven Miles to answer questions about soaring grocery costs.

Australia’s Supermarket Giants to Share Price Data with Queensland Government

In an unprecedented move, Australian supermarket behemoths – Coles, Woolworths, and Aldi have agreed to share pricing information with the Queensland government. This decision was made following a crucial meeting with Queensland Premier Steven Miles, amid public concern over soaring grocery costs.

The Premier summoned representatives from these supermarket giants to provide answers on rising food prices that have been burdening Queensland residents. The decision to share pricing data is expected to shed light on consumer costs, and possibly lead to more competitive pricing in the future.

Queensland farmers have also called for an investigation into alleged price gouging by supermarkets, claiming they aren’t receiving fair value for their produce. The Premier’s intervention comes as food prices across Australia witnessed a steep rise of 7.5% in the year to August 2023.

As part of his battle against high grocery costs, Miles has pledged to grill grocery chains at a new Queensland inquiry. This move echoes the ACCC inquiry into grocery prices under the Rudd government in 2008, which aimed to ensure working families get a “fair deal” at the supermarket.

The step taken by the Queensland government to question supermarket giants over unfair prices represents a significant move towards transparency in the country’s retail sector. The Premier’s decisive action offers hope to consumers who have been grappling with rising food prices in recent times.

In this landmark meeting, the supermarkets’ commitment to share pricing information signifies their willingness to engage in dialogue and address public concerns over rising food costs. The move is seen as a positive step towards ensuring fair pricing and improving transparency in Australia’s supermarket industry.

However, it remains to be seen how this shared data will be used and what impact it will have on grocery prices. For now, though, the Queensland government’s proactive stance in addressing this issue has been welcomed by consumers and producers alike.

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