Australians Urged To Use Cash Instead Of Opting For Convenience


Sky News host Liz Storer has urged Australians to continue withdrawing cash and keeping it in circulation instead of “opting for convenience”.

Ms Storer’s remarks come after Bankwest announced it would be closing another three banks in a bid to go “almost solely digital”.

“The banks are simply going, you know what – why would we bother when the people are voting with the feet,” she said.

“If this isn’t a reminder – withdraw cash, use cash, keep it in circulation.

“Because we all know certain people in our world have a very real agenda to just get rid of it all together and right now, we’re validating those decisions by opting for convenience.”

Australians Encouraged To Use Cash Over Convenience

Sky News host, Liz Storer, has recently urged Australians to prioritize using cash over the convenience of digital transactions. This plea is an effort to keep physical currency in circulation amidst the increasing digitization of banking services.

Storer’s call to action follows the announcement by Bankwest of its plan to close three more branches as part of its shift towards becoming a predominantly digital service. Storer believes that this move is a response to consumer behavior. “The banks are simply going, you know what – why would we bother when the people are voting with their feet,” she said in her commentary.

She emphasized the importance of preserving the use of cash in daily transactions and challenged Australians to rethink their payment habits. “If this isn’t a reminder – withdraw cash, use cash, keep it in circulation,” Storer stated.

Her main concern revolves around the idea that some influential figures are pushing for the complete eradication of cash, and by opting for digital convenience, consumers are indirectly supporting this agenda.

This issue has triggered a broader debate in Australia about the pros and cons of a cashless society. While digital transactions offer speed, ease, and a degree of security that cash can’t match, there are legitimate concerns about privacy, control, and the exclusion of those who may not have access to digital banking facilities.

However, despite the increased adoption of digital transactions, there remains a significant proportion of the Australian population that still relies on cash for various reasons such as budgeting, privacy, or lack of access to digital banking.

As Australia moves closer to becoming a cashless society, it’s essential to consider the potential implications. Experts suggest that while the shift towards digital is inevitable, it’s crucial to ensure that this transition doesn’t marginalize those who rely on cash or infringe on people’s right to choose their preferred method of payment.

In conclusion, Storer’s plea is a reminder of the importance of maintaining diversity in payment options. It encourages Australians to consider the wider societal implications of their individual choices and to use cash to ensure its continued circulation.

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