Australian farmers in major beef with the big supermarkets


Farmers and the federal government are calling on supermarkets to slash beef prices before Christmas. They’re furious at the huge mark-up between what they’re paying producers and what they’re charging customers.

Supermarket Meat Prices: Outrage Grows as Families Struggle

Are you tired of paying outrageous prices for meat at the supermarket? Well, you’re not alone. Families all over are feeling the strain as supermarket meat prices continue to skyrocket. With beef mince costing up to $20 per kilo and steaks priced at a whopping $15 each, it’s no wonder the outrage is growing.

Despite falling livestock prices and the challenges in the supply chain, supermarkets have yet to lower their prices. Coles and Woolworths are being urged to take action before the holiday season, but will they listen? As families struggle to put food on the table, the cost of a simple Christmas lunch may prove overwhelming.

It’s time for supermarkets to grow a set, get some integrity, step up and make meat affordable again.

Rising Meat Prices: A Burden on Families

Rising meat prices have become a burden on our families. We’re feeling the strain of paying more for basic food items like beef mince and steak. It’s frustrating to see the prices remain high, despite the falling livestock prices. We were relieved when Coles and Woolworths announced price drops on some red meat products, but Agriculture Minister Murray Watt says it’s not enough.

We’re hopeful that the Senate inquiry into alleged price gouging by supermarkets will bring about some changes. With Christmas just around the corner, the cost of groceries, especially meat, is overwhelming for many families.

We understand that factors like the oversupply of animals and the complexity of the supply chain contribute to the high prices. However, we hope for more transparency and affordability in the future.

Supermarkets Under Fire: Profits Vs Affordability

Our frustration grows as we witness the stark contrast between the soaring profits of supermarkets and the increasing burden of meat prices on our families. While Coles and Woolworths recorded profits exceeding $1 billion this year, families are struggling to afford basic necessities like meat.

It’s disheartening to see the supermarkets benefiting from these high prices while we’re forced to make difficult choices about what we can afford to put on our dinner tables. Despite recent price drops on some red meat products, it’s clear that these reductions aren’t enough to alleviate the financial pressure on families.

We urge the supermarkets to prioritize affordability and consider the impact of their pricing strategies on everyday Australians. It’s time for them to take immediate action and make meat prices more accessible for all.

Factors Influencing Red Meat Prices

The fluctuation of red meat prices is influenced by several key factors. Livestock prices have fallen dramatically, with the eastern young cattle indicator (EYCI) dropping over 60% and sheep prices falling around 80%. This decrease in prices can be attributed to dry weather and an oversupply of animals in saleyards, which led to restockers exiting the market and driving prices lower.

And also, the export market and high domestic prices in the US also affect retail prices. Challenges in the supply chain, such as the costs added at each step from paddock to plate, the delay in price reductions due to long-term supply contracts and complexity in the supply chain, as well as bottlenecks in the abattoir sector and a shortage of workers, further contribute to the fluctuation of red meat prices. These factors collectively impact the affordability of red meat for families.

Challenges in the Meat Supply Chain

Within the meat industry, we face various challenges in the supply chain that contribute to the fluctuation of red meat prices. One challenge is the cost added at each step of the supply chain, from the paddock to the plate. This includes costs for transportation, processing, and packaging, among others.

Additionally, lower livestock prices take about eight months to impact retail prices, creating a delay in passing on the savings to consumers. Long-term supply contracts and the complexity of the supply chain also contribute to this delay.

Another challenge is the bottlenecks in the abattoir sector, which result in processing delays due to a shortage of workers. These delays further impact the availability and pricing of red meat. Furthermore, reduced saleyard demand for cattle from processors drives down prices, affecting the overall meat supply chain.

The Devastating Financial Impact on Farmers

As we delve into the subtopic of ‘The Devastating Financial Impact on Farmers’, let’s shed light on the hardships faced by those in the meat industry. Farmers in the meat industry have been hit hard by the sudden collapse in prices, causing significant financial hardship.

Incomes for farmers have plummeted by over 70% in just two years, with the value of production for livestock and livestock products predicted to fall by 12% in 2023-24. The high prices that were seen in the past were unsustainable, and the market has now corrected itself, resulting in a devastating blow to farmers’ livelihoods.

ABARES, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, provides forecasts for the industry, predicting a decline in cattle, sheep, and lamb prices in the coming years. The financial impact on farmers is severe, and their struggles can’t be overlooked.

Future Outlook: Forecasts for Meat Prices

We anticipate fluctuations in meat prices in the near future due to various factors impacting the industry. The recent drop in livestock prices, driven by the oversupply of animals in saleyards and restockers exiting the market, has already begun to affect retail prices. However, the full impact of these lower livestock prices on meat prices will take about eight months to materialize.

The challenges in the supply chain, such as bottlenecks in the abattoir sector and a shortage of workers, have resulted in processing delays, further influencing prices and the export market and high domestic prices in the US also play a role in determining retail prices. Considering these factors, it’s expected that meat prices will continue to experience volatility in the coming months.

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