Australia Post to deliver letters every second day to cut costs


Daily delivery of letters is set to be a thing of the past, with Australia Post set to scale back delivery to every second day. The government-owned service posted a $200 million loss last financial year and argues daily letter delivery has become too expensive.

Parcels and priority mail will still be delivered every weekday. The average household currently receives just two addressed letters every week.

“People will still see our posties down their streets every single day, but delivering a greater combination of parcels and letters to ensure that we keep jobs sustainable.” – Paul Graham, Australia Post CEO.

Australia Post Overhauls Delivery System to Reduce Costs

Australia Post, the national postal service of Australia, is undergoing a major overhaul of its delivery system to improve efficiency and meet changing consumer needs.

As part of this initiative, the company plans to reduce the frequency of letter delivery services by 50%, citing a decline in demand for traditional mail. In contrast, new government standards will require daily delivery of parcels and priority mail.

The aim is to enable postal workers, also known as posties, to focus more on parcel delivery, as early trials have already demonstrated a 20% increase in productivity in this area.

To support the shift, Australia Post will introduce more parcel posting and collection locations, as well as convenient parcel lockers. These changes have received positive feedback from both postal workers and customers, as they are expected to eliminate backlogs and create a safer working environment. Also, the government will introduce oversight measures to ensure fair pricing for customers, providing greater transparency and certainty in postage costs.

Key Takeaways

  • Australia Post will halve the frequency of letter delivery services due to decreasing demand and financial losses.
  • The changes will free up postal workers to focus on parcel delivery, which has seen a 20% increase in productivity during trials.
  • The modernization plan includes adding more parcel posting and collection locations, introducing parcel lockers, and improving efficiency by allocating one postie to one round.
  • The government will develop oversight mechanisms for Australia Post’s pricing to provide customers with more certainty and fair pricing.

Changes to Letter Delivery Services

With the aim of boosting efficiency, Australia Post is implementing changes to its letter delivery services by halving the frequency of deliveries. The new delivery standards set by the government require parcels and priority mail to be delivered every day. However, daily letter delivery has become unsustainable due to decreasing letter demand.

The average Australian household now receives just two addressed letters each week. These changes aim to free up posties to focus on parcel delivery, which has seen a significant increase in demand. Trials of the new regime resulted in a 20% increase in productivity for parcel delivery.

Postal workers will now deliver parcels, express, and priority mail to all properties in their round each day, while letters will only be delivered to half of their round each day. This restructuring is part of Australia Post’s modernization plan to improve efficiency and support postal workers’ jobs.

Focus on Parcel Delivery

The focus on parcel delivery in Australia Post’s overhaul of its delivery system is aimed at increasing efficiency and meeting the growing demand for parcel services. As part of the changes, postal workers will be freed up to concentrate on parcel delivery, with trials of the new regime resulting in a 20% increase in productivity for this segment.

Under the new system, postal workers will deliver parcels, express, and priority mail to all properties in their round each day, while only delivering letters to half of their round each day. This shift in focus reflects the continued growth of Australia Post’s parcels business and will help to streamline operations and improve overall efficiency.

Modernization Plan

As part of its modernization plan, Australia Post aims to enhance its delivery system to boost efficiency and adapt to changing consumer demands. The plan includes adding more parcel posting and collection locations, introducing parcel lockers for more convenient times, and allocating one postie to one round to improve efficiency.

Additionally, Australia Post will extend the timeframes to deliver regular letters by an additional business day. These changes aim to make letter delivery more efficient while supporting postal workers’ jobs.

The feedback from those who have trialed the new model has been overwhelmingly positive, with increased productivity and reduced fatigue being emphasized. The government will also develop a mechanism to oversee Australia Post’s pricing for postage to provide customers with more certainty on prices and ensure fair pricing.

Positive Feedback and Support

Positive feedback and support have been received regarding Australia Post’s overhauled delivery system, which aims to boost efficiency. The union representing postal workers has expressed support for the changes, highlighting the increased productivity and reduced fatigue that they bring.

Trialling the new model has yielded overwhelmingly positive feedback, with participants noting that it eliminates local backlogs and creates a smarter and safer way to work. Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has acknowledged the need for Australia Post to adapt to changing consumer demands, further endorsing the changes.

These developments are expected to benefit consumers, small businesses, and Australia Post’s staff. The support and positive feedback indicate that the overhauled delivery system is being well-received and has the potential to address the challenges faced by Australia Post in a more efficient manner.

Pricing and Oversight

Support and positive feedback for Australia Post’s overhauled delivery system also extend to the topic of pricing and oversight. The government is taking steps to develop a mechanism to oversee Australia Post’s pricing for postage, providing customers with more certainty on prices.

In line with this, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is currently assessing Australia Post’s plan to increase the basic postage rate from $1.20 to $1.50 early next year. The goal of these measures is to ensure transparency and fair pricing for customers.

Halved Frequency of Letter Delivery

The reduction in the frequency of letter delivery services, as part of Australia Post’s overhaul of its delivery system, aims to improve efficiency and address the declining demand for addressed letters. Currently, the average Australian household receives just two addressed letters each week, making daily letter delivery unsustainable.

By halving the frequency of letter delivery, Australia Post can free up posties to focus more on parcel delivery, which has been experiencing growth. Trials of the new regime resulted in a 20% increase in productivity for parcel delivery.

Under the new system, postal workers will deliver parcels, express, and priority mail to all properties in their round each day, while only delivering letters to half of their round. This change is expected to improve efficiency while supporting postal workers’ jobs.

New Delivery Standards for Parcels and Priority Mail

As part of Australia Post’s delivery system overhaul, new delivery standards for parcels and priority mail have been implemented, addressing the need for daily delivery and improving efficiency.

Under the new regime, postal workers will now deliver parcels, express, and priority mail to all properties in their round each day. This change allows posties to focus on parcel delivery and provides more convenience for customers who rely on timely receipt of their packages.

Additionally, the implementation of daily delivery for parcels and priority mail is expected to increase productivity and reduce backlogs. The introduction of these new delivery standards aligns with Australia Post’s modernization plan, which aims to adapt to changing consumer demands and improve the overall efficiency of its delivery services.

Parcel Posting and Collection Locations

Australia Post plans to expand its network of parcel posting and collection locations as part of its delivery system overhaul. The aim is to provide customers with more convenient options for sending and receiving parcels.

The expansion will include the introduction of parcel lockers, which will allow customers to collect their parcels at a time that suits them. This initiative is in response to the growing demand for online shopping and the increasing volume of parcel deliveries.

Mechanism for Overseeing Pricing

Developing a mechanism for overseeing pricing is crucial for ensuring transparency and fair pricing for customers in Australia Post’s delivery system overhaul. With the government’s plan to increase the basic postage rate from $1.20 to $1.50 early next year, it is essential to have a mechanism in place to provide certainty and clarity to customers regarding pricing.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is already assessing Australia Post’s plan to ensure that the increase is justified and reasonable. This mechanism will not only ensure fair pricing but also promote transparency in Australia Post’s pricing structure.


Australia Post’s overhaul of its delivery system aims to enhance efficiency and meet evolving consumer demands. The reduction in letter delivery frequency, coupled with increased focus on parcel delivery, has shown promising results in terms of improved productivity.

The introduction of more parcel posting and collection locations, as well as oversight measures for fair pricing, further supports the modernization plan. Overall, these changes have received positive feedback and are expected to create a safer working environment while streamlining operations.

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