Asteroid size of ‘delivery truck’ hurtling towards Earth


An asteroid the size of a delivery truck will whip past Earth on Friday morning in one of the closest such encounters ever recorded. NASA insists it will be a near miss with no chance of the asteroid hitting Earth.

Asteroid 2023 BU is hurtling towards Earth, and it’s estimated to be the size of a delivery truck. According to NASA’s tracker, the asteroid will pass about 10 times closer to Earth than the orbit of geosynchronous satellites at 7:27 p.m. ET on Thursday USA time.

An asteroid is a minor planet of the inner Solar System that can range in size from 1-meter rocks to dwarf planets. They are considered near-Earth objects if they approach within 1.3 astronomical units, and there are several hundred million objects that fit this criteria.

The asteroid has been classified as a “potentially hazardous object” by NASA due to its close proximity to Earth, but it will not make contact with our planet during its flyby. This is one of the closest approaches ever recorded for an asteroid this size, making it an exciting opportunity for scientists and astronomers alike.

NASA’s system was able to predict this close encounter with accuracy, which demonstrates their ability to detect and track asteroids that could potentially pose a threat in the future. It also serves as a reminder of how important it is for us to remain vigilant when it comes to monitoring our solar system for any potential dangers that may arise in the future.

This close encounter with Asteroid 2023 BU is an incredible reminder of how small we are in comparison with the vastness of space and all its wonders!


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