Annastacia Palaszczuk reveals who she’s endorsing as new Queensland Premier


Outgoing Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has revealed who she’s backing to take over the role. Deputy Steven Miles has earned her endorsement, but there are other ministers also prepared to throw their hat into the ring.

Labor Power Struggle: The Race for Queensland Premier

In the tumultuous aftermath of Annastacia Palaszczuk’s departure as Queensland Premier, the Labor Party is now caught in a fierce power struggle, akin to a high-stakes race, to determine her successor.

As the state election looms, a number of potential contenders have emerged, each vying for the coveted leadership position. Deputy Premier Steven Miles, Treasurer Cameron Dick, and Health Minister Shannon Fentiman have all thrown their hats into the ring, showcasing their unique strengths and garnering support within the party.

Miles, endorsed by Palaszczuk herself, represents the dominant Left faction and champions issues such as healthcare and infrastructure. Meanwhile, Fentiman, also a member of the Left faction, is praised for her attentive approach and problem-solving abilities. On the other hand, Dick, a member of the Right faction, remains undecided about his candidacy, but is recognized for his contributions as Treasurer and his gratitude towards Palaszczuk’s leadership during the COVID-19 crisis.

As the Labor power struggle unfolds, all eyes are fixated on the outcome, aware that the future of the party hangs in the balance.

Key Takeaways

  • The potential contenders for Queensland Premier include Deputy Premier Steven Miles, Treasurer Cameron Dick, and Health Minister Shannon Fentiman, as well as the Labor party’s administrative committee, MPs, rank-and-file party membership, and affiliated unions.
  • Steven Miles has been endorsed by Annastacia Palaszczuk and is a member of the Labor party’s dominant Left faction. His priorities include health, housing, cost of living, the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, infrastructure, and energy. He is praised as a great reforming Labor premier.
  • Annastacia Palaszczuk’s legacy and endorsement hold significant weight, with support from the United Workers Union (UWU) Left faction MPs for Steven Miles. However, he does not have enough support from the Labor caucus to command a majority.
  • Shannon Fentiman, a member of the Left faction, is also considering a run for leadership and has support from Left faction MPs who are not aligned with UWU. She is praised for her listening skills, understanding, problem-solving abilities, and serves as a trailblazer and inspiration for women and girls.
  • Cameron Dick, a member of the Right faction, is another potential contender who has held various cabinet roles, including treasurer. He has thanked Palaszczuk for her service as premier and her role in protecting Queensland during COVID but has not yet announced his decision.

Potential Contenders for Queensland Premier

The race for Queensland Premier is heating up with several potential contenders vying for the position. Among the contenders are Deputy Premier Steven Miles, Treasurer Cameron Dick, and Health Minister Shannon Fentiman.

Steven Miles has been endorsed by current Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and is a member of the Labor party’s dominant Left faction. His priorities include health, housing, cost of living, the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, infrastructure, and energy.

Shannon Fentiman, also a Left faction member, is considering a run for leadership and has support from Left faction MPs.

Cameron Dick, a member of the Right faction, is another potential contender, but he hasn’t yet announced his decision.

As the race intensifies, it remains to be seen who’ll emerge as the next Queensland Premier.

Deputy Premier Steven Miles

Deputy Premier Steven Miles is a prominent contender in the race for Queensland Premier. Endorsed by Annastacia Palaszczuk, Miles is a member of the Labor party’s dominant Left faction. With a focus on health, housing, cost of living, the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, infrastructure, and energy, he’s committed to delivering better government for Queenslanders.

Praised as a great reforming Labor premier, Miles has garnered support from the United Workers Union (UWU) Left faction MPs. However, he doesn’t have enough support from the Labor caucus to command a majority. Despite this, Miles enjoys the strong endorsement of Palaszczuk, with the Labor president backing her decision.

As the race for Queensland Premier intensifies, Miles remains a key player in the power struggle.

Treasurer Cameron Dick

Treasurer Cameron Dick’s potential candidacy adds another dimension to the ongoing power struggle for Queensland Premier. As a member of the Right faction, Dick has held various cabinet roles, including treasurer. He’s expressed gratitude towards outgoing Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk for her service and acknowledged her role in protecting Queensland during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, Dick has yet to announce his decision regarding running for the leadership position. If he chooses to enter the race, his experience and expertise in economic matters could make him a formidable contender. Dick’s potential candidacy adds further complexity to the already contested field, which includes Deputy Premier Steven Miles and Health Minister Shannon Fentiman.

As the power struggle intensifies, the Labor Party and affiliated unions will closely watch the developments to determine who’ll lead Queensland into the future.

Health Minister Shannon Fentiman

As the power struggle for Queensland Premier continues, another potential contender in the race is Health Minister Shannon Fentiman. Fentiman is a member of the Left faction and has garnered support from fellow faction MPs. She has been praised for her problem-solving abilities and dedication to listening and understanding the needs of the people. Fentiman’s strong track record in the health portfolio has earned her respect and admiration from her colleagues. She has been recognized as a trailblazer and an inspiration for women and girls, demonstrating her commitment to gender equality and representation. Fentiman’s ability to connect with the community and address their concerns makes her a viable candidate for the leadership position. However, it remains to be seen if she can gather enough support within the party to secure the role of Queensland Premier.

Labor’s Administrative Committee

Labor’s Administrative Committee plays a crucial role in the power struggle for Queensland Premier as it deliberates on the selection process and potential candidates for the leadership position.

This committee, consisting of representatives from the Labor party’s MPs, rank-and-file party membership, and affiliated unions, holds significant influence in determining the future leader of the party. Their role is to assess the various contenders and their suitability for the position based on their experience, policies, and ability to unite the party.

The committee’s decision will heavily impact the outcome of the power struggle, as their endorsement can sway support from other factions within the party. Ultimately, the committee’s choice will shape the direction of Labor’s leadership and the future of Queensland politics.

MPs, Rank-And-File Party Membership and Affiliated Unions

The MPs, party members, and affiliated unions play a crucial role in the power struggle for Queensland Premier. As potential contenders for the position emerge, they rely on the support and backing of these key players within the Labor party.

The rank-and-file party membership and affiliated unions have the power to sway the outcome of the race through their endorsements and grassroots campaigning efforts. These groups have the ability to mobilize their members, organize rallies, and provide financial support to their chosen candidate.

Additionally, the MPs within the party hold significant influence as they’ll ultimately cast their votes to determine the next leader. Their endorsements and alliances can heavily impact the outcome of the power struggle, making their support highly sought after by the contenders.

Steven Miles and His Priorities

Steven Miles, a member of the Labor party’s dominant Left faction, has outlined his priorities as a potential contender for Queensland Premier. Miles, who’s been endorsed by current Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, has highlighted several key areas of focus. First and foremost, he aims to prioritize health, recognizing the critical importance of a robust healthcare system in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additionally, Miles is committed to addressing issues related to housing affordability and the rising cost of living. He also intends to champion the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games bid, recognizing the potential economic and cultural benefits for Queensland.

Furthermore, Miles plans to prioritize infrastructure development and sustainable energy solutions to support the state’s growth and transition to a greener future.

Annastacia Palaszczuk’s Legacy and Endorsement

Continuing from the previous subtopic, Annastacia Palaszczuk’s legacy and endorsement hold significant influence in the race for Queensland Premier.

Palaszczuk, who’s seen as a Labor legend, has endorsed Deputy Premier Steven Miles for the leadership position. This endorsement has garnered support from the United Workers Union (UWU) Left faction MPs. However, despite the strong backing from Palaszczuk and the UWU, Miles doesn’t have enough support from the Labor caucus to command a majority.

On the other hand, Health Minister Shannon Fentiman, a member of the Left faction not aligned with the UWU, is also considering a run for the leadership. Fentiman has received public support from Keppel MP Brittany Lauga and is acknowledged as a trailblazer and inspiration for women and girls.

The decision of Treasurer Cameron Dick, a Right faction member, is yet to be announced.

Shannon Fentiman’s Potential Run for Leadership

One potential contender for the Queensland Premier position is Health Minister Shannon Fentiman. As a member of the Left faction, Fentiman is considering a run for leadership and has garnered support from fellow Left faction MPs who aren’t aligned with the United Workers Union (UWU).

Keppel MP Brittany Lauga has publicly expressed her support for Fentiman, praising her for her ability to listen, understand, and solve problems. Fentiman is also acknowledged as a trailblazer and an inspiration for women and girls.

However, it remains to be seen whether Fentiman will officially announce her decision to run for the position. The race for Queensland Premier is heating up, with Fentiman emerging as a potential candidate with a strong base of support within the party.

Cameron Dick’s Consideration for Leadership

The health minister, Cameron Dick, is currently considering a run for leadership in the race for Queensland Premier. As a member of the Right faction, Dick has held various cabinet roles, including treasurer. He expressed his gratitude to Annastacia Palaszczuk for her service as premier and acknowledged her role in protecting Queensland during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, Dick has yet to announce his decision regarding the leadership race. If he chooses to run, he’ll join Deputy Premier Steven Miles and Health Minister Shannon Fentiman as potential contenders. Dick’s consideration adds another layer of complexity to the race, as Labor caucus members and affiliated unions weigh their options in determining the best leader for the party moving forward.


In conclusion, the race for Queensland Premier within the Labor Party is heating up as potential contenders, including Steven Miles, Shannon Fentiman, and Cameron Dick, vie for the leadership position. With each candidate bringing their own strengths and support bases, the outcome of this power struggle will shape the future of the party. As the stakes remain high, all eyes are on the Labor power struggle as Queensland prepares for the upcoming state election.

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