Alleged plot to overthrow German government foiled after 25 people arrested

An alleged far-right plot to overthrow the German Government has been uncovered – with 25 people arrested in raids across the country.

Thousands of law enforcement officers conducted early raids across Germany and arrested 25 people suspected of being part of a far-right terrorist organization planning to overthrow the government. Officials arrested 22 suspected members of the Reichsburger movement and a former Bundeswehr soldier, along with three other suspects.

Federal prosecutors say the group, which is made up of right-wing extremists and ex-military figures, hatched the plot last year. Its members believed that the German state was being run by a “deep state”, and they wanted to replace it with their own order. They hoped to launch a violent coup and storm the parliament building.

The plan was to storm the German Capitol, arrest lawmakers and execute the chancellor. A prince descended from German nobility would take over as the new head of state, and a former far-right member of Parliament would be put in charge of a national purge.

Prosecutors said the organisation was influenced by the deep state conspiracy theories of Germany’s Reichsbuerger and QAnon, whose advocates were among those jailed during the storming of the U.S. in January 2021, Capitol.


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