Adelaide designed device can pinpoint signs of concussion regular tests could miss

A young Sturt footballer has been forced to retire after new technology revealed her concussion was worse than first thought. The AFL is now looking closely at the device which its Adelaide designers say can pinpoint signs of concussion that regular tests could miss.

This trial, conducted alongside, Flinders University, additionally found that women are 2-3 times more at risk of concussion than male players. This test takes about 10-12 minutes to conduct and the results are available within a minute of completing the test.


A laptop, VR goggles, and the NeuroFlex Software make up the technology. It is portable, lightweight, and simple to operate. The NeuroFlex Test is an under 8-minute VR eye-tracking and head-movement test that focuses on a number of ocular motor skills that have been independently verified by science. The NeuroFlex Software analyses the test results in a matter of seconds using its unique algorithms and deidentified data bank to produce a precise, quantitative, and metrics-based report.

The NeuroFlex Report creates a longitudinal record of a person’s brain health and offers objective data that gauges a person’s oculomotor response to visual stimuli. This information supports the identification of visual tracking deficits by a healthcare practitioner when making a diagnosis.

Eye responses of fixed, moving, and disappearing targets are digitally recorded by NeuroFlex Software, together with information on eye and head posture, and this data is then uploaded to a secure server in the cloud for analysis.


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