Police investigating carjackings in Brisbane and Gold Coast


Police are on the hunt for two armed carjackers on the run in Brisbane and investigating a separate violent carjacking involving a gang of five teenagers dragging a mother from her car on the Gold Coast.

Police in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast are searching for two armed carjackers who have been on the run since a violent incident in which a mother was dragged from her car by a gang of five teenagers.

The first incident occurred in Brisbane when two men, believed to be armed, attempted to steal a vehicle from an unsuspecting driver. The driver managed to escape unharmed, but police are still searching for the suspects.

The second incident happened on the Gold Coast when five teenagers allegedly dragged a mother from her car and drove off with it. The woman was taken to hospital with minor injuries and police are now investigating the incident.

Carjacking is an increasingly common crime in Australia, with victims often targeted due to their vulnerability or lack of awareness of their surroundings. Police advise people to stay alert and aware of their surroundings at all times, particularly when driving alone or late at night. They also recommend avoiding dark and secluded areas, parking in well-lit areas, and keeping doors locked while driving.

Police urge anyone who has information about either of these incidents or any other carjacking incidents to contact them immediately.

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