Would-be premier Chris Minns is promising action on a major issue for many families screen time for children. But he could have bigger political issues on his hands as Dominic Perrottet ups-the- ante in a key western suburbs seat. And there’s also the issue of sausage rolls.
Screen addiction is a growing concern in our society, especially among children and teenagers. The Australian Labor Party has recently announced a $2.5 million research fund to tackle this issue. This fund will be used to further understand the effects of screen addiction on physical and mental health, as well as develop strategies to help people break their screen addiction.
Screen use releases dopamine in the brain, which can negatively affect impulse control and lead to changes in the brain similar to those caused by drug addiction. Studies have also shown that excessive screen time can lead to Screen Dependency Disorder, which can cause problems with social interaction, communication, and concentration.
The research funded by this new initiative could provide valuable insight into how we can better address this issue. It could help us understand how best to limit screen time for children and teenagers, as well as develop strategies for adults who are struggling with screen addiction.
This new initiative is an important step towards tackling the problem of screen addiction in our society. It is essential that we continue to invest in research so that we can better understand the effects of excessive screen time on physical and mental health and develop effective strategies for helping people break their addiction.